Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, 23.4.2004 Michael Kobel, Bonn 1 ESOF 2004, Stockholm and CERN 50 in Germany Michael Kobel Bonn University Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 1 ESOF 2004, Stockholm and CERN 50 in Germany Michael Kobel Bonn University Germany

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 2 CERN 50 in Germany 20 Universities and Institutes in 15 towns: concertated „events“ around October German „CERN 50 task force“ (5 people) design of common announcement poster translation of calender images as poster CERN: film DVD (5 films in German including ATLAS) CERN: material DVD (posters, audios) for institutes agenda/ material on (possibly translation of articles from CERN 50 anniversary book „infiniment CERN“) TV coverage: some interest, not finally confirmed

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 3 Posterseries (DVD II being prepared) CERN calender images either as 12 x 1 or 6 x 2 Poster German Version (CERN50 Taskforce just being made at CERN CERN History: (Microcosm) 4 Poster available in English French German … German Posters „Year of Physics 2000“ 14 Poster GSI: 2 Series on loan 24 Poster DESY: on DVD/CD DESY Zeuthen: update in June

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 4 Linear Collider Outreach: ELCSG outreach sub-committee One person per CERN member state (currently only 16 members), nominated by RECFA, to adopt a country-by country strategy to be implemented of on the country level with the help of the ELCSG ELCSG: Ask the group to tackle three issues: Immediate strategy aimed at politicians Strategy aimed at other scientists Strategy aimed at the general public Coordinators (appointed by ELCSG) Phil Burrows (London), Giorgio Chiarelli (Pisa), Michael Kobel (Bonn), NEW: Philipp Bambade (Paris) OLD: Francois le Diberder (Paris), Actions and plans so far: collect info on national activities establishing a web site, linked from, draft on session and exhibition at ESOF 2004, Stockholm (see later) outreach day + exhibition at LCW04 Paris, April 04 (see later) worldwide posters (3 posters, to be shown in foyers of all institutes involved in LC, e.g. to visiting politicians. to be drafted in cooperation with ) started to draft an LC outreach strategy document: focus on how to reach politicians (material, events, industry…)

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 5 Exhibition and Public Conference at LCWS04, Paris Overall organisation: Fr. le Diberder Exhibition: Palais de la Decouverte ground floor ( April 2004) for the public: explain how HEP works for politics, media and the public 1) HEP-LC as cutting-edge science and technology 2) work done so far 3) LC project and current trends in HEP+Cosmology 4) world wide effort and consensus 5) spin-off from HEP (xFel, DataGrid) Conferences (Saturday the 24th) for the public, participants from LCWS04 (220 seats) P.Janot: overall HEP talk (not confirmed) A.Wagner: LC talk Organizing group from Europe, USA, Japon, involving help from DESY, etc.

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 6 Euro Science Open Forum 2004, Stockholm, Aim:highlight science in Europe present science and the humanities at the cutting-edge stimulate scientific awareness foster debate on science and society Participants: academics, policy makers, politicians, media, industry In the name of ECFA the outreach subcommittee coordinators of the ELCSG have prepared a session proposal in collaboration with EPOG: „From Quarks to Galaxies“ (3h session w/ 5 talks + 30 m²exhibition)session proposal 1.) Gerard t'Hooft: The Nature of Matter and Forces 2.) Licia Verde: The Cosmic Connection: From Quarks to Galaxies 3.) Ugo Amaldi: From Accelerators to Cancer Therapy 4.) Ulf Danielsson: Theories Spanning Time and Space of the Universe 5.) Albrecht Wagner: Pushing the Frontier: Tools for the next Decade Session and Exhibition accepted in Dec 03 (biggest Audit, 400 seats!) Official invitations to politicians (via ECFA?) necessary! Registration is already open! Funding: Application Stifterverband Germany (M.K.): 9600€+7500 €(speakers+organizers+exhibition)

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 7 Exhibition (~ 30 m 2 current plan) Standard Model: cloud chamber (DESY) hands-on educational model of an accelerator (DESY) PPEP Wire model of DELPHI event Detector parts (CERN?) Astroparticle physics 3D animated model of the southpole Amanda detector (Stockholm) (slow-motion time development of real cosmic neutrino events) Medical applications material from GSI Darmstadt Experimental Future 1: PPEP model of the ATLAS experiment and LHC panel Experimental Future 2: Models and animations of TESLA cavities and other LC structures

Athens, EPOG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 8 2 DO Organize talks Fix content, suited for target audience get-together in preparing video conference Organize Exhibition transport tutors Send out invitations (ECFA) politicians, policy makers  ACTION FOR YOU! please send names to ECFA via me by next week! media industry?