THE CELTS By Serena Quondamatteo
Who Were The Celts? The Celts were fearless, ruthless warriors and they were also highly skilled metal smiths. The Celts discovered iron, which was much stronger than bronze. The Celts were fearless, ruthless warriors and they were also highly skilled metal smiths. The Celts discovered iron, which was much stronger than bronze.
Round houses The Celts lived in round houses with thatched roofs of straw or heather. The walls of their houses were made from local material. There were no windows so it got quite stuffy in there but there was a hole in the roof to let the smoke from the fire escape.
WARRIORS The Celts often fought naked - and it's believed that women would fight as well. Their main weapons were the sword and the spear, and they sometimes fought in horse-drawn war chariots.
Religion The Celts were pagans and worshipped many gods. They worshipped their gods through sacrifice by giving them valuable objects to keep them happy and sacrificed animals and humans. The Celts were pagans and worshipped many gods. They worshipped their gods through sacrifice by giving them valuable objects to keep them happy and sacrificed animals and humans.