RCCD Application
Gather Information Gather the following information before you begin the application process: Full Name Permanent Address Date of Birth Address Telephone Numbers Social Security Number Alien Registration Number, Issue and Expiration dates (for Permanent Residents)
How to Begin Go to Click APPLY NOW
How to Begin
Scroll down and click to begin Norco College Admission Application.
How to Begin You will be re-directed to OpenCCC Create an account Input: Social Security Number {If Dream Act/AB540, select decline to provide SSN}. Date of Birth Address Telephone Number Permanent Address
How to Begin Save Username and Password USER NAME: PASSWORD:
The Application Process Enrollment Information Term: Seniors – select Fall 2016 Others – select Spring 2016 Intended Major or Program of Study: Select any intended Career Field Educational Goal: Select any option
The Application Process Input Account and Mailing Info Permanent Address - of parent or guardian who takes care of you. Telephone Numbers Address Social Security – if student does not have one, check the box “I do not have one,” then select “I decline” on the pop-up window. All others SHOULD enter their number, without dashes. Date of Birth
Education Seniors: Select “First Time College student” Others: Select “Enrolling in high school and college at the same time” Select “Yes” Select “I attended high school” Seniors: Select “First time attending college after leaving high school ” Others: This will populate automatically
Education Type name of high school, homeschool, or city of high school. Select high school from the pop-up list. If high school is not listed, select “my school is not in this list” and manually type-in the information.
Education Select “No degree” Select “None”
Citizenship Dream Act/AB540 Select “No documents” If U.S. Citizen, Leave the Rest Blank Dream Act/AB540 Select “Other”
US Military/Dependent Select “None Apply to Me” Unless You are a Dependent or Child of currently active military member
Needs & Interests Seniors: Select YES, Others: Select NO, as you do not qualify for Financial Aid as a high school student.
Programs & Services Articulated students are welcome to explore and gather information from the Student Services, Welcome Center, or appropriate department for services and program information but cannot receive these services.
Consent Select I CONSENT CONSENT I authorize the Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges, and the community colleges I am attending to release personal information contained in my education records, including my Social Security Number, to organizations/ agencies, federal, and state agencies for program development, research, and analysis.
Review Application Review Application and click Confirm
Submit Application Check Both Boxes Click Submit Application