MEAT What do you know about the meat you eat?
Nutritional Value Protein-has all the essential amino acids Fat Vitamins Minerals -Iron
Types of meat Beef-comes from cattle over six months of age Veal-comes from cattle less than six months of age Lamb-comes from sheep; older meat is called mutton Pork-comes from hogs
What makes a meat less tender? The more an animal exercises the less tender the cut of meat. Meat along the back bone is the most tender.
Whole sale cuts of meat
Whole sale cuts of meat-tender cuts Rib Short loin Sirloin These cuts are tender due to the fact they occur along the back spine of the animal.
Whole sale cuts of meat-less tender Round and Rump Flank Short plate Fore shank Brisket Chuck
Cook to make tender When cooking meat you can make it tender by using a moist heat cooking method. Braise-cook in a liquid Stew Grind it Hamburger 80/20 is 80 % lean and 20% fat
Quality of meat USDA Grades Prime-best quality good restaurants Choice-second best most super markets Select-could be in a super market