Your Health Sara E. Wilson Escalante Elementary
TOBACCO & ALCOHOL WEEK HOMEPAGE Monday- Tobacco Tuesday- Alcohol Wednesday- Just Say “No!”
Lets Learn About Tobacco ! Tobacco has both immediate and long-term effects on the body. HOMEPAGE Why NOT to use Tobacco… Check Your Facts How much do cigarettes cost? START
Why NOT to use Tobacco… Smokers develop wrinkles and sagging skin at a younger age. Smokers develop wrinkles and sagging skin at a younger age. Smokers are more likely to get cancer of the mouth than nonsmokers. Smokers are more likely to get cancer of the mouth than nonsmokers. Smokers get 80% of all cases of cancer of the esophagus. Smokers get 80% of all cases of cancer of the esophagus. After repeated use the brain and body become physically dependant on the drug. After repeated use the brain and body become physically dependant on the drug. Tobacco smoke irritates the throat and can cause throat cancer. It can also make the voice thick and gravelly. Tobacco smoke irritates the throat and can cause throat cancer. It can also make the voice thick and gravelly. Tar from smoke clogs and lungs, causing “smokers cough.” This causes emphysema, a disease that makes breathing difficult. Tar from smoke clogs and lungs, causing “smokers cough.” This causes emphysema, a disease that makes breathing difficult. Nicotine increases the production of stomach acid, which may contribute to ulcers. Nicotine increases the production of stomach acid, which may contribute to ulcers. Smokers are four times more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease. Smokers are four times more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease. Chemicals in tobacco have been linked to cancer of the pancreas. Chemicals in tobacco have been linked to cancer of the pancreas. Check Your Facts Previous Cost of Cigarettes
How much do cigarettes cost? If a person smokes 1 pack a day, each pack cost $3, how much money does that person spend on cigarettes in a week, month-30days, and year? What about 2 packs a day? What would you like to do with that money instead? (Do this independently on a separate piece of paper and turn in, thank you.) Previous HOMEPAGE
Lets Learn About Alcohol ! For young people any amount of alcohol can cause problems. Why NOT to Use Alcohol? Stages of Alcoholism Alternatives to Alcohol HOMEPAGE START
Why NOT to use Alcohol… Alcohol numbs and irritates the drinker’s mouth and esophagus. Alcohol numbs and irritates the drinker’s mouth and esophagus. Alcohol abuse can cause hypertension, a condition, of constant high blood pressure. Alcohol abuse can cause hypertension, a condition, of constant high blood pressure. Alcohol numbs nerve centers that control speech and motor skills needed for driving, walking, and other activities. Alcohol numbs nerve centers that control speech and motor skills needed for driving, walking, and other activities. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining and makes the stomach secrete the acids that are used for digesting food. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining and makes the stomach secrete the acids that are used for digesting food. Alcohol can destroy important enzymes in the small intestine, making it hard for the body to digest food properly. Alcohol can destroy important enzymes in the small intestine, making it hard for the body to digest food properly. Alcohol abuse causes cirrhosis, which makes the liver unable to process blood. Alcohol abuse causes cirrhosis, which makes the liver unable to process blood. NextPrevious
Stages of Alcoholism Stage 1 Person uses alcohol to relax Person uses alcohol to relax Person begins to need alcohol to cope with daily stress Person begins to need alcohol to cope with daily stress Person makes excuses about drinking. Person makes excuses about drinking. Stage 2 Person develops a need for more and more alcohol. Person develops a need for more and more alcohol. Person often misses school work. Person often misses school work. Person denies that there is a problem. Person denies that there is a problem. Stage 3 Other people see his/her problem with alcohol. Other people see his/her problem with alcohol. Person develops an addiction to alcohol. Person develops an addiction to alcohol. Person’s drinking is out of control. Person’s drinking is out of control. Next Think back to what you’ve read in your textbook. How might a person act within each different stages? ( Discuss with your partner.) Previous
If someone were to pressure you into trying alcohol, what activity could you do instead? Research a hobby of yours or one that you would like to pursue by using the search engine below. If someone were to pressure you into trying alcohol, what activity could you do instead? Research a hobby of yours or one that you would like to pursue by using the search engine below. Alternatives to Alcohol Using the information and pictures you gather make a webpage using Dreamweaver to show why you would choose this activity over drinking alcohol. On the webpage include consequences that follow drinking alcohol, these may be found from your textbook readings. Also, share your thoughts on why you think drinking alcohol is wrong. Previous HOMEPAGE
Just Say “NO!” Peer Pressure, curiosity, and advertising contribute to alcohol and tobacco use. Learn how to refuse alcohol and tobacco. It will help protect your health and safety. START HOMEPAGE Peer Pressure Learn More Skit Time! (Thursday)
Peer Pressure Peer Pressure - Positive peer pressure can help you do the right thing, such as being quite in a library. right thing, such as being quite in a library. -Negative peer pressure can influence you to do harmful things you otherwise would not do. harmful things you otherwise would not do. Click here Resisting Peer Pressure Resisting Peer PressureResisting Peer Pressure Peer pressure is a strong influence that people your own age can have on you. NextPrevious
What have you learned? u sing this website- Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Choose one of the 19 subjects that interest Choose one of the 19 subjects that interest both of you and read about it. Then, in a couple of paragraphs tell me what you’ve learned using MS Word. both of you and read about it. Then, in a couple of paragraphs tell me what you’ve learned using MS Word.MS WordMS Word Previous HOMEPAGE