wel_hops Welfare Housing Policies for Senior Citizens Housing LIN 18 October 2006 Andy Staniford Housing Strategy Manager Housing & City Support Brighton & Hove City Council Tel: +44 (0) hove.gov.uk
Project Vision “Improving independence, choice, and quality of life for older people across Europe” Recognises that the population of older people is rapidly expanding Desire to reduce institutionalisation
Partners Partners are from Italy, Sweden, Spain, Hungary, UK: –ERVET (Lead Partner), Emilia Romagna Economic Development Agency, Italy –Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden –FAMCP, Aragonese Federation of Municipalities Regions & Provinces, Spain –Municipality of Győr, Hungary –Brighton & Hove City Council, UK
European Union INTERREG IIIC programme: –helps Europe’s regions form partnerships to work together on common projects to develop new solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges –part financed project Welhops Steering Group Visit to New Larchwood, Coldean, Brighton March 2006
Project Outputs Focussed on good practice in the design of older peoples housing Wel_hops runs to Sept of 2007, to: –analyse good design practice from across Europe –develop a website to publish good practice –develop an older persons housing design guide –encourage planning policies and new housing to adopt the recommendations
Good Practice 47 older persons housing schemes explored: –32 in partner countries –15 in other EU countries Netherlands Finland Denmark Germany Professionals interviewed in all partner countries Fred Tibble Court, Dagenham, London Hanover Housing Association
UK Housing Schemes 8 UK schemes assessed: –Hartrigg Oaks, York –Darwin Court, London –Elwyn Jones Court, Brighton –Fred Tibble Court, London –St Eugene’s Court, Birmingham –New Larchwood, Brighton –Sydenham Court, Belfast –Sonali Gardens, London Darwin Court, Walworth, London Peabody Trust
Scheme Assessment Self assessment questionnaire 4 key areas: –urban context –grounds –building & services –private dwellings
Overall Assessments
Website Currently has: –project reports –scheme profiles –scheme plans –scheme photos –newsletter Will also have: –design guidelines –research reports –news –online self assessment –translations into partner languages
Design Guide Pilot guidelines published October 2006 Pilot experiences Oct 2006 to March 2007 Final Design Guidelines late Summer 2007
Design Guide Success Pilot development: –building a scheme that meets the guidelines –having a scheme in development that meets the guidelines –having a scheme at planning stage meeting the guidelines Design Guide adoption: –adoption by a provider –regional adoption –local adoption of the guidelines –professional body adoption
Next Steps Consult stakeholders on pilot Design Guide Recognise those schemes identified as amongst the very best (12 across Europe) Seek Design Guide adoption Publish Design Guide Sonali Gardens, Shadwell, London Circle 33
Housing Strategy Team, Brighton & Hove City Council, 4th Floor Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP T: +44 (0) F: +44 (0) E: Thank You for Your Time