Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 1 Fundamentals of Programming Most programming today is done in High- Level Languages Examples: C++, Java, Visual Basic, LISP, FORTRAN, MATLAB. Basic ideas of programming –data types –variables –control flow
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 2 Entry Point All programs have an entry point: where they start executing In C/C++, this is called main The first statement in main is the first to be executed
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 3 Data Types Recall that a data type is a set of values and operations C/C++ offers a variety of built-in types –int integer –long long integer (increased range) –float real number (floating point) –double double precision real number –char single character What are some of the operations over each type?
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 4 Operations Numerical operators: –+, -, *, /, % (modulus) Automatic increment/decrement, e.g., –i++, i-- Comparison operators: –==, !=,, >=, <= Logical operators: –and ( && ), or ( || ), not ( ! ), xor ( ^ )
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 5 Variables Recall the 4x3 memory: each group of bits is a memory cell with a unique location Variable: a name and type associated with a cell (or cells). Examples: –int age; integer value for a person’s age –long wage; long integer for hourly wage –float gpa; real number for student GPA –double inter; double precision for bank interest –char response; holds ‘y’ or ‘n’ response to question
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 6 Structured Data Types Two basic types – a collection of the same kind of basic types (array) –a collection of different kinds of types ( struct or record) Example: array of integers –int test_scores[25]; –holds integer values for 25 test scores Example: array of characters –char name[80]; –holds 80 characters to store a student’s name
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 7 Control Flow Sequential execution: first statement, next statement, etc. Each statement can actually be a block of statements Conditional branching: if a condition is true, execute one statement; else execute another
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 8 Control Flow Looping: while a condition is true, repeat a statement –iterate a fixed number of times –iterate based on a condition that eventually is triggered Subroutine (function) call: execute a named block of statements; return to calling location when done