EU Funding (Cancer) Information Event David Ritchie North West Health Brussels Office
NWHBO Policy Overview 2013 FP7 Health theme Introduction
Active since 2004 Based in Brussels & Manchester Policy and Research Focus Representing the North West of England health community in Brussels North West Health Brussels Office
Europe 2020 Strategy –Europe’s growth strategy –Launched in 2010 –Underpins EU policy and funding activity Policy Overview: Europe 2020
5 EU targets for 2020 –Employment: at least 75% of year-olds employed –R&D/innovation: 3% of the EU’s GDP invested in R&D/innovation –Climate change/energy: greenhouse gas emissions 20% lower than in 1990 (or 30% if conditions are right); 20% of energy from renewable sources; 20% increase in energy efficiency –Education: reduce school drop-out rates to below 10%; at least 40% of year-olds completing third level education –Poverty/social exclusion: at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion Policy Overview: Europe 2020 (cont.)
Seven flagship initiatives: –Digital agenda for Europe –Innovation Union: turning ideas into jobs, green growth and social progress with action to support innovation and innovative businesses –Youth on the move –Resource efficient Europe –An industrial policy for the globalisation era –An agenda for new skills and jobs –European platform against poverty Policy Overview: Europe 2020 (cont.)
One of the seven flagship initiatives, the Innovation Union plan contains over thirty actions points, with the aim to do three things: –make Europe into a world-class science performer –remove obstacles to innovation, which currently prevent ideas getting quickly to market –revolutionize the way public and private sectors work together, notably through Innovation Partnerships between the European institutions, national and regional authorities and business Policy Overview: Innovation Union
Pilot European Active and Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership (EIP-AHA) Public/Private Stakeholder Partnership: overarching target of increasing the average healthy lifespan by two years by 2020 Already influenced several funding calls, including FP7 Policy Overview: Innovation Union (cont.)
Proposed successor to FP Budget of €80billion Combines current FP7, CIP, and EIT tackle societal challenges by helping to bridge the gap between research and the market Policy Overview: Horizon 2020
FP7 Health theme > Health, demographic change and wellbeing challenge Proposed €8billion budget line Timeline: –July 2012: Final FP7 calls –By end 2013: Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on Horizon 2020 –Beg. Jan 2014: Horizon 2020 starts; launch of first calls Policy Overview: Horizon 2020 (cont.)
Rare Diseases – Main priorities –EC calls on the MS to elaborate and adopt a plan or strategy by the end of 2013 –Adequate definition, codification and inventorying of rare diseases –Foster multi-level research on rare diseases –Centres of expertise and European reference networks for rare diseases European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC) Joint Action project –achieve coordination of one third of research from all funding sources by 2013 within selected areas of cancer research Policy Overview: Other Areas
Launched Tuesday 10 July 2012 Innovation 1 and 2 Calls Other themes opened, including: –ICT –Environment –KBBE … etc FP7 Health Theme
Investigator-driven treatment trials to combat or prevent metastases in patients with solid cancer –The successful consortia will perform multicentre clinical trials assessing therapeutic strategies for localised or systemic metastases in patients with solid cancers or for preventing their development in patients with solid cancers. Consortia will use state-of-the-art technologies to ensure proper patient staging and assessment of treatment efficacy 2013 FP7 Health Theme: Cancer Topic (1)
Strengthening the cancer patient's immune system –The successful consortia will advance pre-clinical and/or clinical research concerning cancer immunotherapy towards improved treatment efficacy of future immunotherapeutic strategies. It may address one or more of the following areas: (1) cell, antibody or molecule-based immunotherapy; (2) therapeutic cancer vaccines directed against clinically relevant tumour and/or host antigens; (3) immune evasion impacting on clinically relevant tumour-host microenvironment interactions in localised or systemic disease. Where appropriate tumour response criteria must be considered. Assays must be harmonised to validate cancer immunotherapeutic regimens in models or first-in-human trials. Involvement of industry, in particular SMEs, is strongly recommended FP7 Health Theme: Cancer Topic (2)
Investigator-driven supportive and palliative care clinical trials and observational studies –The successful consortia will perform multicentre clinical trials and/or observational studies aiming at improving quality-of-life of cancer patients or cancer survivors. The clinical studies may address symptoms caused by cancer, by cancer treatment, by long-term side-effects in cancer survivors or address symptoms that occur at the end of life 2013 FP7 Health Theme: Cancer Topic (3)
Max. Contribution per project: €6m Total for Cancer area: €72m Expected Impact: –Ensure this is addressed Eligibility Criteria: –Check SME requirement 2013 FP7 Health Theme: Key Points
2nd October 2012 – deadline for 1st stage: short proposal December 2012 – full application will open to those successful in 1st stage February 2013 – deadline for full proposal application April 2013 – evaluation for funding completed 2013 FP7 Health Theme: Timeline
Contact Details: –David Ritchie 0032 (0)