PRHS Physical Education Department Chapter 23: Medicines and Drugs Lesson 1: The Role of Medicines
PRHS Physical Education Department I. Classifications of Medicines - Medicines: are drugs that are used to treat or prevent disease or other conditions. - - Drugs: are substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind.
PRHS Physical Education Department A. Medicines that Prevent Disease - Vaccines: is a preparation introduced into the body to stimulate an immune response. - Antibodies: - Antitoxins: the injection of antitoxins neutralizes the effect of toxins such as those that cause tetanus and diphtheria.
PRHS Physical Education Department B. Medicines that Fight Pathogens - Antivirals and Antifungals: Antiviral medicines often only suppress the virus; they don’t kill it. Antifungals can cure or suppress infections such as athlete’s foot and ringworm.
PRHS Physical Education Department C. Medicines that Relieve Pain - Analgesics: or Pain Relievers Analgesics range from comparatively mild medicines such as aspirin to strong narcotics such as the opium-based morphine and codeine.
PRHS Physical Education Department D. Medicines that Promote Health - Allergy Medicines: antihistamines reduces the sneezing, itchy or watery eyes accompanied with allergies. - Body-Regulating Medicines: some medicines maintain health by regulating body chemistry. EXP insulin is used to treat diabeties.
D. Medicines that Promote Health cont Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Medicines: these medicines help normalize brain chemistry Cancer Treatment Medicines: these medicines reduce rapid cell growth and help stop the spread of cancer cells. PRHS Physical Education Department
II. Medicines and the Body - Side effects: - Interactions: -Additive interaction: -Synergistic effect: -Antagonistic interaction:
PRHS Physical Education Department A. Other Problems - Tolerance: is a condition in which the body becomes used to the effect of a medicine. - Withdrawal: occurs when a person stops using a medicine on which he or she has a chemical dependence.
PRHS Physical Education Department III. Medicine Safety - Prescription medicines: Medicine that has written approval of a licensed physician. - Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines: medicines you can buy without a prescription. * Page 590: Prescription Medicine Label
PRHS Physical Education Department A. Medicine Misuse - Types of medicine misuse: *Giving a prescription medicine to a person for whom it was not prescribed or taking another person’s medicine *taking too much or too little of the medicine or taking a medicine for longer or short period then prescribed *discontinuing use of a medicine without informing the health care professional *mixing medicines
PRHS Physical Education Department Quiz Time!! 1. What are the four broad categories of medicines? 2. What government organization tests and approves all new medicines? 3. List three specific examples of medicine misuse.
Chapter 23: Medicines & Drugs Lesson 2: Drug Use – A High-Risk Behavior PRHS Physical Education Department
I. What Is Substance Abuse? - Substance abuse –any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes - Illegal drugs – or street drugs, chemical substances. - Illicit drug use –the use or sale of any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted. PRHS Physical Education Department
A. Factors That Influence Decisions About Drugs 1. Peer Pressure –the influence of people your age on you 2. Family Members –can help teens resist drugs 3. Role Models – are people you admire and want to imitate 4. Media Messages – can influence your impression of drug use 5. Perception –of society’s drug behavior are often inaccurate. In 2001 over 70% of HS students did not use drugs. PRHS Physical Education Department
II. Health Consequences of Drug Use - Physical consequences – - 1. overdose – is a strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a drug - 2. hepatitis B & HIV - Mental/emotional consequences – - Figure Social consequences –can have negative effects on relationships and reputation, and legal consequences. PRHS Physical Education Department
A. Understanding the Addiction Cycle Tolerance – the body of the substance abuser needs more and more of the drug to get the same effect Psychological dependence –a condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally. Physiological dependence – a condition in which the user has a chemical need for the drug Addiction: physiological or psychological dependence on a drug. PRHS Physical Education Department
III. Other Consequences of Drug Use Individual – Legal – Family and Friends – Babies and Children – Society - PRHS Physical Education Department
Quiz Time ? What are substance abuse and illegal drugs? What are the factors that influence a teen’s decision about substance abuse? Analyze and explain the harmful effects of drugs on the fetus. PRHS Physical Education Department
Chapter 23: Medicines and Drugs Lesson 3: Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steriods PRHS Physical Education Department
I. Marijuana Marijuana – a plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are smoked for their intoxication effects Marijuana and Addiction – -Health risks: (Figure 23.3) PRHS Physical Education Department
I. Marijuana cont. C. Mental/Emotional Consequences – -paranoia D. Physical -reproductive organs E. Driving Under the Influence - PRHS Physical Education Department
II. Inhalants Inhalants – Ex: PRHS Physical Education Department
III. Anabolic – Androgenic Steroids Anabolic – androgenic steroids – A. Legal & Social Consequences - PRHS Physical Education Department
Quiz Time!! Explain the relationship between marijuana use, alcohol use, and the use of other drugs and substances. How does marijuana interfere with driving ability? Analyze and examine the harmful effects of inhalants and steroids on body systems. PRHS Physical Education Department
Chapter 23: Medicines & Drugs Lesson 4: Psychoactive Drugs PRHS Physical Education Department
I. Classification of Psychoactive Drugs Psychoactive drugs – PRHS Physical Education Department
II. Health Risks of Psychoactive Drugs (Figure 23.4) Types of DrugsConsequences for Your Health Stimulants *Cocaine *Crack *Amphetamines *Methamphetamines Depressants *Barbiturates *Tranquilizers *Rohypnol *GHB Narcotics *Opium *Morphine *Heroin *Codeine Hallucinogens *PCP *LSD *Ecstasy (MDMA) *Katmine PRHS Physical Education Department
Quiz Time!! Examine and identify the body systems most affected by psychoactive and designer drugs. Examine and explain the harmful effects of stimulants and hallucinogens on the central nervous system. What are the health risks of narcotic abuse? PRHS Physical Education Department
Chapter 23: Medicines and Drugs Lesson 5: Living Drug Free PRHS Physical Education Department
I. Resisting Pressure to Use Drugs What can you do to share your opinion with others? A. Commitment to Be Drug Free PRHS Physical Education Department
II. Strategies for Preventing Use of Drugs A.School Efforts - drug-free school zones: B.Community Efforts -drug watches C. The Importance of Alternatives to Drug and Substance Use PRHS Physical Education Department
II. Becoming Drug Free Steps to offer help: PRHS Physical Education Department
III. Getting Help Treatment Centers – Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment: Short-Term Treatment: Maintenance Therapy: Therapeutic Communities: PRHS Physical Education Department
Quiz Time!! Identify some strategies that schools and communities have taken to decrease the availability of drugs. List five signs of substance abuse. How do support groups help substance abusers? PRHS Physical Education Department