GEOG3025 Census and Neighbourhood Analysis David Martin
GEOG3025 Introductory lecture Lecture overview: Objectives of course Course organization Introductory questions What do we mean by neighbourhood? Why do we need small area information?
GEOG3025 Aims of course To introduce different conceptualizations of social neighbourhood To understand how these are represented in the geographies of the census and official statistics To provide skills in the retrieval, manipulation and interpretation of socioeconomic data for small areas
GEOG3025 Course organization New course/new format Lectures Blackboard resources –Tutorial materials –Online data retrieval –Practical assignments –Discussion –Course documentation
GEOG3025 Expectations Work through the online materials –Consistently, if not to a fixed schedule Engage in discussion –In lecture classes and online Assignments are cumulative –You need to have understood the earlier material in order to do the later material!
GEOG3025 Register for online resources Register yourself for this course on Blackboard –Need University of Southampton ID and password Register yourself for access to ESRC/JISC funded census resources –Need Athens ID and password
GEOG3025 Course programme (1) Overview Introduction to Blackboard Neighbourhood concepts and policy Administrative and statistical geography Censuses and administrative data
GEOG3025 Course programme (2) Exploratory analysis of neighbourhood data Confidentiality and social implications Geodemographic classification Multivariate indicators Implications for neighbourhood policy
GEOG3025 Assessment Formative –Online questions –Online discussion –Helpdesk sessions Summative – 2 practical assignments (50%) – 2-hour exam (50%)
GEOG3025 Introductory questions… What does ‘neighbourhood’ mean? Who defines neighbourhoods?
GEOG3025 Community identities
GEOG3025 Internal homogeneity Photo: Dave Martin
GEOG3025 Locations sharing disadvantage Source: Source:
GEOG3025 Vehicles for policy… Source: Source:
GEOG3025 Social exclusion and neighbourhoods ‘My vision is of a nation where no-one is seriously disadvantaged by where they live, where power wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not of the few.’ –Tony Blair in Foreword to: A new commitment to neighbourhood renewal (SEU, 2001)
GEOG3025 Need for information ‘Far too often information is seen as an additional and peripheral issue in regeneration activities, rather than as central to them… …The Social Exclusion Unit’s 1998 report on deprived neighbourhoods highlighted the lack of knowledge that exists about the scale of social exclusion in these areas.’
GEOG3025 Social data collection Administrative –Maintained for operational purposes Censuses Surveys –Maintained for data collection purposes
GEOG3025 Census and neighbourhood statistics
GEOG3025 References overview Urban Studies Volume 38, Number 12 (2001) Neighbourhoods theme issue Social Exclusion Unit (2001) A new commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal — National Strategy Action Plan – Rees, P., Martin, D. and Williamson, P. (eds) (2002) The Census Data System Chichester: Wiley
GEOG3025 Lecture summary Course aims Course organization Expectations Course programme Neighbourhood concepts Requirements for social data Sources of social data
GEOG3025 Any questions?