CMS HF PMT SYSTEM By Y. ONEL U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA CMS Meeting, CERN, Dec 1-8,2001.


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Presentation transcript:

CMS HF PMT SYSTEM By Y. ONEL U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA CMS Meeting, CERN, Dec 1-8,2001

CMS-HF PMT Test and Quality Control System U. Akgun 1, A.S. Ayan 1, E. Gulmez 2, M. Miller 1, J. Olson 1 Y. Onel 1, I. Schmidt 1 with Quarknet Group – P. Bruecken, C. Like, R. Newland 1 University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA 2 Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract We have measured the specifications proposed by the CMS-HCAL committee on the candidate phototubes from the three major manufacturers; Hamamatsu, EMI and Photonis. In this report, we present the results from those measurements and we outline the future measurements for the test and the quality control as well as the design of the new University of Iowa PMT test station facility.

Tasks of the Test System For one tube in every batch: Double-pulse linearity, Gain vs HV for each batch Single photoelectron spectrum X-Y scan (spatial uniformity) Lifetime For each tube: Pulse width Pulse rise time Transit time Transit time spread Anode dark current Relative gain coupled with cathode sensitivity, Pulse linearity Quality control decision on each tube.

Anode Dark Current

Dark Current with Cockroft-Walton Base

Timing Characteristics

Rise Time Measurements

Transit Time Measurements

Pulse Width Measurements

Pulse Linearity Measurement

Double Pulse Linearity Measurements-I

Double Pulse Linearity Measurements-II (Hamamatsu)

Double Pulse Linearity Measurements-III (Hamamatsu)

Single Photoelectron Setup (first generation)

Single Photoelectron Measurement (scope view)

Single Photoelectron Setup (second generation)

Single Photoelectron Measurement (Hamamatsu)

Single Photoelectron Results with ADC and LabView (third generation)

Single Photoelectron Results with ADC and LabView using preamplifier (fourth generation)



XY Uniformity XY Uniformity, Dark Current, Relative Gain 32 channel Voltage ADC Motor Controller LabVIEW Software SCSI BUS Serial Bus 8-PMT Array Laser Pinhole Mask Camac Sys 8 channel pico-ammeter

LabVIEW software

Iowa PMT Timing Test Setup

Barcode Strategy xxxxxxxx Digit: Location 0-Not specified 1-Plus 2-Minus 3-Wheel 2Plus 4-Wheel 1Plus 5-Wheel 0 6-Wheel 1Minus 7-Wheel 2Minus 8-Electronics Regional center no. 99-FNAL 98-U of I 0-LHC accelerator 1-ALICE 2-ATLAS 3-CMS 4-LHCB 1x-Magnet 2x-Tracker 3x-ECAL 4x-HCAL 40-Not specified 41-HB 42-HE 43-HF 44-HO Part Number 14 digit “interleaved 2 of 5” format barcode

HF PMT barcode scheme xxxx HF sub-group Digit: PMT’s PMT serial no. letter prefix Reference number. 01-”CA” * Numeric portion of serial no. The PMT serial number will be encoded in the barcode. *All Hamamatsu HF PMT serial numbers will have a letter prefix of “CA”

HF PMT label PMT’s will be labeled by Hamamatsu during production. Sample PMT label Barcode Manufacturer Part number Delivery date : year / month (size: 50mm x 20mm) Serial number

PMT label placement 10 – 15 mm BAR CODE LABEL Short cut pin The short cut pin will approximately be the center of the BAR CODE LABEL. R7525HA