CLASS POLICY HIGHLIGHTS Supplies – 2 composition notebooks by Friday/Monday of next week. (You will need 3 more during the year.) Bring a reading book to class starting next week. Late work is accepted for full credit. Three missing assignments will result in a drop in the citizenship grade. (These can accumulate.)
TEACHER TO PARENT AND STUDENT COMMUNICATION Weekly s will be sent home every Monday or Tuesday. I post most assignments on my Web page. Assignments are posted on a board in my room. Students use the “What Did I Miss” folder to make up work from an absence.
STUDENT AND PARENT TO TEACHER COMMUNICATION The best way for parents to contact me is by . If I haven’t responded in two school days, please again because your may have ended up in my junk mail folder. You may call me before or after school. Students may always come to my room before (7:40ish) and after (until 3:30) school to get help, make up tests, and ask questions. Students may also me but please remind them to use a proper tone :>
READING Students will read 8 books every term. Requirements: Read a variety of genres Write a review for each book on goodreads.com Recommendations: 150 pages + 700+ lexile for 7 th graders 800+ lexile for 8 th graders
7 TH GRADE TERM 1 The theme of our unit is friendship. We will read the graphic novel “Artemis Fowl” together and some short stories as well. Students will do several one-draft essays as pre-assessments.
8 TH GRADE TERM 1 The theme of the unit is the human spirit during World War II. We will be reading fiction and non-fiction about the Japanese Internment Camps and the Holocaust. This will include the novel “Journey to Topaz” and the play “The Diary of Anne Frank.” Students will do several one-draft essays as pre-assessments.