Africa-Steps to Independence What happens when imperialism ends?
Imperialism by Regions North: population centers near Mediterranean Sea French rule for most of region Libya: Italian rule Sudan: Great Britain (after fighting w/ France Egypt: Great Britain helped w/ weak economy
South:Zulu empire: British took control, great discrimination against Africans Boer War: Gr. Br. against locals Dutch immigrants = Afrikaners East:Congo: King Leopold of Belgium Many European claims Conflict, deforestation
West:Liberia = independent trading posts established on coasts slavery abolished = competition for other resources
Similarities/Difference between four regions Similarities Africans = virtually no control Resources seized Long-term effects of imperialism Oppression & marginalization of locals Differences Extreme abuse in Congo Reasons for imperialism Independent Liberia & Ethiopia
After WWI and self- determination Egypt:limited independence 1922 Gr. Br. maintained Suez Canal full independence in 1936 in exchange for help in fighting Italy
Kenya Europeans hired out Kenyans for cheap labor Nationalism growing, led by Jomo Kenyatta Nigeria Gr. Br. = profits on rubber, oil, tin Nonviolent movements begin for independence
After World War II -Cost of maintaining colonies too expensive for European nations -African nationalism increased -Demand for resources = Africans want to control Independence achieved = various ways, setbacks, probs
Libya -ind. In 1951 from Italy -monarchy gov’t -oil discovered 1959 = $$$$$$ -Qaddafi = military takeover 1969 (dictatorial rule until his death by protestors in Oct. 2011)
Algeria -Guerilla warfare begins in property destroyed -ppl gunned down, concentration camps -18 yr war, 1 mill deaths -independence in 1962
Ghana (Gold Coast) -general strike/protest by Kwame Nkrumah = ind from Gr. Br. -mismanaged economy -frequent regime change
Guinea -backed by Soviet Union -France (to retaliate) offers aid and ind. To all other colonies
Nigeria -Indep in ethnic groups -395 languages -3 religions -1960’s = fight for control of country, Ibo ppl declare indep.
Congo -Civil war -Mobutu= control in 1965 = dictator
Kenya -Mau Mau rebellion against Br rebellion crushed indep. -Kenyatta = first president
Uganda -indep = ethnic conflict -brutal military dictator as leader
Angola & Mozambique -rebel guerilla groups fought Portugal -Indep. in 1975
Malawi, Zambia, & Zimbabwe -Malawi & Zambia indep Zimbabwe indep white minorities maintained power in all three nations
Summary -civil war after indep. due to instability = power vacuum -some aided by former imperial nations -some denied aid -some refused aid
Three challenges remain National unity -violence from ethnic divisions, couldn’t by stopped by gov’ts -new & unfamiliar gov’t systems used -military/dictators often assumed power -Pan-Africanism…can Africa really be united?
2 nd challenge Economic development -non-diversified economies (1 crop or product) -not enough resources in some countries (e.g. land-locked) -poverty, famine, drought -constant reliance on aid from foreign countries; corrupt gov’ts don’t use wisely
3 rd challenge Identity -African/ethnic pride and nationalism -loss of language, culture from imperial control (Ibo ethnicity but only speak English) -movement of African artists, writers, poets
Angola & Mozambique -rebel guerilla groups against Portuguese control -indep. 1975
Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe -Malawi & Zambia indep in Zimbabwe in white minority maintained power
Summary -Civil war due to instability after independence (power vacuum) -some given aid by former imperial nations -some not given aid -some refused aid
Challenges in Africa National Unity -violence from ethnic divisions couldn’t be stopped by gov’ts -new & unfamiliar gov’t systems used -military/dictators = gov’ts -Pan-Africanism (can there really be a united African group?)