Unit 3: Culture By Raegan Davis, Angela Tran and Alissa Weston
Cultural Appropriation Definition: Process by which other cultures adopt customs and knowledge and use them for their own benefit. Ex. Europeans used guns to fight, and when they came to America, the Native Americans started to use them to hunt and fight the Europeans Cultures can appropriate other cultures Ex. Native Americans may be appropriated by other cultures like pop culture (Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, ect.).
Custom Adoption Definition: Taking a cultural trait from one culture and making it part of a different culture.
Housing Types New England, Mid- Atlantic, and Southern
New England Style Characterized by: Wood-frame construction (A.K.A “saltbox”) Dates from colonial times Gradually more elaborate over time Fireplace in the center of the home.
Mid-Atlantic Style Characterized by: Originated as one-room log cabin with a stone chimney and fireplace at one end. Additional rooms, a porch, and second floor were added.
Southern Tidewater Characterized by: One story (sometimes with a small attic) Large porch Built on a raised platform or raised stone foundations
How are Languages Formed? Language divergence– when a lack of spatial interaction among speakers of a language breaks the language into dialects and then new languages Language convergence– when people with different languages have consistent spatial interaction and their languages collapse into one
Languages Lingua franca– a language used among speakers of different languages for the purpose of trade and commerce Example: English is the language of all air traffic Pidgin Language– a language created when people combine parts of two languages into a simplified structure and vocabulary Example: Hawaiian Pidgin English Creole Language– a pidgin language that has developed a ore complex structure and vocabulary and has become the native language of a group of people Example: a child born into an environment where Hawaiian Pidgin English is widely spoken and acquires HPE as his/her first language
Languages cont. Standard Language– a language that is published, widely distributed, and purposefully taught Dialects– variants of a standard language along regional or ethnic lines Official Language– in multilingual countries, it is the language selected, often by the educated and politically powerful elite, to promote internal cohesion; usually the language of the courts and government
Renfrew Hypothesis Proto-Indo-European began in the Fertile Crescent, and then: From Anatolia diffused Europe’s languages From the Western Arc of Fertile Crescent diffused North Africa and Arabia’s languages From the Eastern Arc of Fertile Crescent diffused Southwest Asia and South Asia’s languages
Agriculture Language Diffusion Theory With increased food supply and increased population, speakers from the hearth of Indo- European languages migrated into Europe
Dispersal Hypothesis Indo-European languages first moved from the hearth eastward into present-day Iran and then around the Caspian and into Europe.
Neolocalism Term coined by James Shortridge Defined as “seeking out the regional culture and reinvigorating it in response to the uncertainty of the modern world” This means looking into an area’s history and attempting to bring it back Example: Little Sweden, USA
Cultural Diffusion The spatial spreading or dissemination of a culture element (such as technological innovation) or some other phenomenon (e.g., a diseases outbreak) This means the spreading of an idea There are two different types of diffusion: expansion diffusion and relocation diffusion Expansion has three different subtypes: contagious, hierarchical and stimulus Each follow a different “diffusion route” This is the spatial trajectory through which cultural traits or other phenomenon spread This means the way which an idea spreads
Contagious Type of expansion diffusion The distance-controlled spreading of an idea, innovation or some other item through a local population by contrast from person to person- analogous to the communication of a contagious illness This means the idea starts at the hearth and spreads to the places nearby Example: Spread of Islam
Pictures of Contagious Diffusion
Hierarchical Type of expansion diffusion A pattern in which the main channel of diffusion is some segment of those who are susceptible to (or adopting) what is being diffused This means the idea starts at its hearth and spreads to the next most relevant group Example: Sperry shoes
Stimulus Type of expansion diffusion A form of diffusion in which a cultural adaptation is created as a result of the introduction of a cultural trait from another place This means an idea is brought into an area and creates a change- typically in that it is altered to fit the needs of the population Example: Maharaja Mac in India
Relocation The actual movement of individuals who have already adopted the idea or innovation and who carry it to a new, perhaps distant, local where they proceed to disseminate it This means a group of people who already have an idea move somewhere else and share it with the people there Example: Migration of European settlers brought Christianity to the Americas
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