Twitter anyone? Sue Newell Chief Operating Officer Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Leeds Metropolitan University
Opening an account Start connecting Posting Retweeting Hashtags and DM’s Twitter search Twitter etiquette and #FollowFriday What are we going to cover
Open an account Use your own name or as close as you can, so that people can find you I wanted suenewell, but could only get suzynewell now there are so many users (200 + million active users) Your username then becomes your twitter URL Don’t forget a profile picture you cant build a good network if you just use the default egghead You can also set up your privacy settings, but remember if you lock your posts only your followers can see it, which may restrict you as you try to build a network Opening an account
Not sure how to begin, find me from the URL and follow me, then send me a message Not sure what to say try and lets see if we can get a conversation going (more about the symbols shortly….) Start connecting
A tweet is an update that is up to 140 characters long, you can post images, texts and links( to e.g Utube videos) jokes,quotes,blogs. [hint if you want to “retweeted” keep to 120] so someone add to it a small comment Why use it? hundreds of thousand of tweets are sent every minute, its quick, becoming the place where news breaks first. it’s a place to do business Posting
This a way of sharing something you have found interesting with your network of followers It is always nice to thank people who retweet your content. Always check links you are retweeting yourself, your followers wont thank you for linking to bad or inappropriate content, it reflects on you Retweeting
mention is simply including someone's tag in the that means I can then read the conversation and others can contact or follow me. It’s a way of promoting others and extending your network DM is a direct message One 2 One to a person #Hashtag for example #ARCSAM, #twittertips, is a way of linking to a topic, no rule here just start using one, but if you want it unique its worth searching for it first hovering over a tweet and pressing reply will start the message with that persons tag. If you want more exposure remember to type something before that way your whole network can read it not just your mutual followers Hashtags and DM’
You can search for people that you know, or interesting people to follow #hashtags, to join a conversation about a topic Links Twitter search
Please and thank you go a long way when you are building relationships and it’s the same on twitter. #FollowFridayor #FF you will see all over Twitter, is used for people to recommend others But it shouldn’t just be a list of names keep it personal say who and why e.g looking for others interested SAM #ARCSAM Twitter etiquette and #FollowFriday
Thanks for your time