Mr Waterworth
- Class Expectations - Highest expectations for their standard of work and behaviour. Resilience - Children WILL feel uncomfortable at times. Growth Mindsets. Independence and Resourcefulness.
- Classroom Organisation - Ongoing Formative Assessment. Flipped Learning Learning Partners – changed weekly. Speaking and Listening. Planning with the children.
- Yearly Overview- - First Half Autumn Term – The Anglo Saxons
- Digital Curriculum- E-safety - advice on our school website and half termly esafety sessions. Blogging Podcasts, digital books, animation, video app design and programming.
- Homework- Home Learning will include English, Maths, Spellings, and Topic themed work – not all at once! Home Learning to be given out on a Wednesday and handed back in on the following Tuesday Reading – Library and Independent Reading Books. Maths – Daily Mental Maths in school and at home
Progress in Maths Tables knowledge and regular practise (school and home) Promoting practical experience outside school Responding to marking, self-assessment, peer assessment.
- Spellings - Given out each week on a Wednesday, used during the week. Linked to spelling rules we’re covering in school. Weekly check up on a Wednesday. Write them in sentences at home when learning them.
- Reading Record - Children are responsible for their reading journals. Recording their reading. Timetable – available online. Children need to bring these into school each day.
- Physical Education - P.E is on Monday am (arrive at school in PE kit) and Friday afternoons. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing (no jewellery allowed) for each lesson and comes to school wearing their PE kit on a Monday morning. Cold weather sessions will require tracksuits and sweatshirts
Behaviour Policy Rewards - House Points. Sanctions: yellow, amber, red cards. If your child is given a red card a note will be written in their diary. Head teacher’s awards: children who are working brilliantly will be sent for special recognition. Celebration assembly: good mentions - weekly.
- Our Class Assembly- Our class Assembly is: Friday 6 th November at 9.15am Please come and enjoy the assembly.
- Healthy Lifestyles - Water bottle - ‘Water is good for Learning.’ Healthy Snack for break time. Competition and fair play throughout the year.
- School Uniforms - Please ensure that all items of school uniform and any equipment used by your child is clearly labelled. During the year, art shirts will be needed for messy sessions! These should be kept in school. Water bottles are encouraged in school. Children have access to them throughout the day. They need to be taken home each night.
- Questions - If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to contact me. Come in and speak after school. If you can’t come in, use the Journals.