Early Intervention & Identification for Children with Disabilities Beth Ackerman
IDENTIFICATION The importance of early identification The importance of early identification Our calling as Christian educators Our calling as Christian educators Preventative Care Preventative Care Prenatal care Prenatal care Educating Educating
Normal & Atypical Development Developmental Milestones Developmental Milestones Developmental Milestones Developmental Milestones Variations are to be expected! Variations are to be expected! Culture/Environment/Foreign Language Culture/Environment/Foreign Language Patterns of behavior Patterns of behavior Delayed or Disordered Delayed or Disordered
Developmental Milestones Cognition (thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding) Cognition (thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding) Language (expressive and receptive abilities) Language (expressive and receptive abilities) Attention (staying on task, noticing details) Attention (staying on task, noticing details) Behavior and Self-Control (impulsivity, temperament, turn- taking, tolerating frustration) Behavior and Self-Control (impulsivity, temperament, turn- taking, tolerating frustration)
Developmental Milestones Motor Coordination (gross/fine motor, jumping, hopping, throwing/catching, drawing, stacking) Motor Coordination (gross/fine motor, jumping, hopping, throwing/catching, drawing, stacking) Social Interaction (initiating peer contact, group play) Social Interaction (initiating peer contact, group play) Self-help (dressing, eating, washing) Self-help (dressing, eating, washing)
Early Warning Signs Patterns of “Can Do’s” and “Can’t Do’s” Patterns of “Can Do’s” and “Can’t Do’s” Development may be confusing, erratic, unpredictable or inconsistent Development may be confusing, erratic, unpredictable or inconsistent Short attention span, restless or hyperactive Short attention span, restless or hyperactive Does not complete tasks Does not complete tasks
Early Warning Signs Listening difficulties or does not seem to understand Listening difficulties or does not seem to understand Repetitive behavior Repetitive behavior Avoids other children Avoids other children Speech problem Speech problem Resistant to discipline or direction Resistant to discipline or direction Physical complaints Physical complaints
Early Warning Signs Echoes other’s speech Lack of self-help skills Temperamental, overly sensitive, sad, irritable
Eligibility for Students with Disabilities IDEA 2004 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 & 2004) IDEA 2004 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 & 2004) Assessments (Educational, Psychological, Social, Medical) Assessments (Educational, Psychological, Social, Medical)
Scatter of Ability * Verbal Comprehension Index * Perceptual Organization Index * Freedom from Distractibility Index * Processing Speed Index WISC – R Psychological Assessment
INTERVENTIONS Developmentally Appropriate Practices Developmentally Appropriate Practices Placement Practices Placement Practices Transition to Other Placements Transition to Other Placements Assessment Practices Assessment Practices
INTERVENTIONS What are some of the wonderful ideas that you are doing in your class? What are some of the wonderful ideas that you are doing in your class? Daily presentation of activities Daily presentation of activities Enhancing Memory Enhancing Memory Memory Strategies Memory Strategies Structure, consistency, follow- through Structure, consistency, follow- through Brevity, Variety, Structure Brevity, Variety, Structure
Services Available Public School System (IDEA 1997) Public School System (IDEA 1997) Social Services Social Services Local Community Services Board Local Community Services Board CHURCHES CHURCHES Internet Resources Internet Resources Internet Resources Internet Resources
Internet Resources DEC – (CEC – Division of Early Childhood) sped.org/positionpapers.html DEC – (CEC – Division of Early Childhood) sped.org/positionpapers.htmlhttp:// sped.org/positionpapers.htmlhttp:// sped.org/positionpapers.html OSERS – Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services - sped.org/positionpapers.html OSERS – Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services - sped.org/positionpapers.htmlhttp:// sped.org/positionpapers.htmlhttp:// sped.org/positionpapers.html Council for Exceptional Children - Council for Exceptional Children LD in Depth - rly_identification/ LD in Depth - rly_identification/ rly_identification/ rly_identification/
WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED Identification Identification Normal & atypical development Normal & atypical development Early warning signs Early warning signs Eligibility for students with disabilities Eligibility for students with disabilities Interventions Interventions Services available Services available