Database Administration Advanced Database Dr. AlaaEddin Almabhouh
Slide 2 (of 33) Topic & Structure of Lesson At the end of this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the evolution of Database administration Discuss the role of the Data Administrator Discuss the role of the Database Administrator Discuss the various database administration strategies Data Control Language (DCL)
Database Administration DBMS is just a tool for managing data and must be used effectively to produce the desired results. Introduction of a DBMS represents a big change and can have a big impact Positive or negative depending on how its administered Process includes 3 important aspects Technological : DBMS software and hardware Managerial: administrative functions Cultural: Corporate resistance to change
Technological Aspect Selecting, installing, configuring and monitoring the DBMS To make sure it handles data storage, access and security efficiently Managed by people with technical skills necessary to provide adequate support for all users Programmers, managers and end-users Database administration staffing is a key consideration Personnel must have mix of technical and managerial skills
Managerial Aspect Requires careful planning to create appropriate organisational structure Personnel must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills combined with broad organisational and business understanding Top management must be committed to the new system and support the database administration functions goals and roles
Cultural Impact DBMS is likely to have an effect on people, functions and interactions Additional personnel may be required New roles allocated Employee performance might be evaluated Individual department managers surrender ownership to data administration function and share data with the rest of the company Database administration department will need to listen to end users concerns and act by educating about benefits
Data and Database Administration Many large organisations have two main roles for managing the company data Data Administrator and Database Administrator Data Administration: A high-level function that is responsible for the overall management of data resources in an organization, including maintaining corporate-wide definitions and standards Database Administration: A technical function that is responsible for physical database design and for dealing with technical issues such as security enforcement, database performance, and backup and recovery In a small organisation often the same person
Data Administrator - DA High level corporate function Responsible for controlling the overall corporate data resources b oth computerised and manual also data outside the scope of DBMS Covers a larger area of operations than DBA Strong managerial orientation with company wide scope Sets data administration goals Sets data policies, procedures, standards Long term planning Will be involved in the conceptual and logical design of a database system Database security is a concern of DA in association with DBA DBA may report to DA dependent on structure of the organisation
Database Administrator - DBA Low level more technically oriented than DA Involved in physical design of database systems Has narrower DBMS specific scope On the data management side will be concerned with the issue of controlling the database Centralised and shared databases Distributed databases can force organisation to de-centralise data administration DBA define and delegate responsibilities of each local DBA Imposes more complex co-ordinating activities on system DBA
DBA’s Responsibilty Coordinating, monitoring and allocating database administration resources End User Support Enforcing Policies Procedures and Standards Data Security Privacy and Integrity Authorisation Management Data Backup and Recovery Data Distribution and Use Selection of hardware and software Installing and upgrading DBMS Tuning database performance Improving query processing performance Physical database design and implementation
End User Support User requirements gathering Conflict and problem resolution Finding solutions to information needs Ensuring quality and integrity of applications and data Managing training and support of DBMS users
Policies Procedures and Standards Continuous enforcement of the policies procedures and standards Policies General statements of direction that support goals Standards More detailed and specific than policies and describe minimum requirements Procedures Written instructions that describe a series of steps to be followed
Data Security Privacy and Integrity Of great concern to DBA’s With distributed data: More difficult to maintain data control, security and integrity Must use the security and integrity mechanisms provided by the DBMS Must team up with internet security experts To build firewalls, proxy services to safeguard from possible external attacks
Data Backup and Recovery Periodic data and applications backups Tools to ensure backup and recovery of the data Proper backup identification Detailed descriptions and date information to ensure correct backups are used Convenient and safe backup storage Multiple backups stored at different locations Physical protection of both hardware and software Restricted access, fire protection, air conditioning Personal access control to the database software Multilevel passwords and privileges Insurance coverage for the data in the database Secure an insurance policy to provide financial protection
Data Distribution and Use Data is only useful if it reaches the right users in a timely fashion in the right format Time consuming in typical applications programming environment Internet has opened databases to corporate users Make use of more sophisticated query tools Make use of Internet web front ends Reduce dependency on application programmers DBA must ensure procedures and standards are being adhered to
Selection of DBMS, Utilities and Hardware Important technical responsibility, needs to consider: DBMS model DBMS storage capacity Application development support Security and integrity Backup and recovery Concurrency control Performance DBA tools Data distribution Portability and standards Hardware Data dictionary Vendor training and support Available third-party tools Cost
Design and Implementation of Databases and Applications DBA provides data modelling and design services to the end-user community Implementation of the physical database Develop test and implement the operational procedures required by new system Training, security and backup and recovery plans Assigning responsibility for database control and maintenance Authorise application of users to access database Fine tuning and/or reconfiguration of DBMS
Authorisation Management User Access Management Define each user to the database Assign passwords to each user Define user groups Assign access privileges Physical access control View definition Define data views to protect and control the scope of the data that are accessible to users DBMS utilities access control Placing limits on the use of query and reporting tools DBMS usage monitoring Audit the use of the data in the database. Create an audit log
Connect, Resource and DBA When a company receives a new Oracle system It comes with 2 users automatically installed Super users with DBA privileges First thing DBA does is: Change passwords for these 2 users Then enrol new users Need distinct username, password and level of privilege granted to user 3 classes of user Connect Look at other users data only, perform data manipulation tasks specified by DBA and create views Resource Create tables and indexes and grant other users access to these tables and indexes DBA Permit access to any users data and allows granting and revoking of access privileges to any user in the database
Contrasting DA and DBA Activities and Characteristics DADBA Strategic planningControl and supervision Sets long term goalsExecutes plans to reach goals Sets policies and standardsEnforces policies and procedures Enforces programming standards Broad scopeNarrow scope Long termShort term focus on daily operations Managerial OrientationTechnical orientation DBMS independentDBMS specific
Slide 81 (of 82) Q & A