Introduction to the Meeting 3 November 2008, Xiamen Jae Sol LEE RCARO Wrap-up Meeting of the RCA-UNDP Project on Post-Tsunami Environmental Assessment
Table of Contents Background Review Summary of the Meeting Key Issues of the Meeting Some Additional Issues Reminder on Delivery of Outputs/Outcomes
1. Background Review Review of the Past Meetings and Milestones Summary of the Colombo Workshop
Review of the Past Meetings & Milestones Feasibility Study Meeting (23-24 June 2006, Daejeon) Kick-off Meeting (22-25 August 2006, Jakarta) Workplan Meeting (8 Feb. 2007, Kuala Lumpur) Project Review Meeting (22-25 Oct. Phuket) (Collection/Review of Interim Progress Report) RCARO Proposal to MOST (Mar.2005) Initiation / Prep. (2006~2007) Stakeholder Workshop (18-21 August Colombo) Wrap-up Meeting (3-6 Nov Xiamen) (collection of country report needed) Interim Review (2007) Extension ? Wrap-up (2008)
Summary of the Colombo Workshop PURPOSE To discuss key issues among key stakeholders of the Project before wrapping up the Project at the end of 2008 To take advance action, should there be any need Participants Stakeholders ( priority to the 5 tsunami hit countries) Project management team ( PLCC/APLCC, OLCCs, RCARO) Others ( invited experts)
List of Participants at the Colombo Workshop MSs ParticipantsRemark Stakeholder of MSs IND, INS, SRL, MAL, THA Jha, Abidin, Waduge, Ishak, Surisuksawd Some MSs not present A few external experts invited 3 local participants from Sri Lanka Project Management (PLCC/APLC C, OLCC, RCARO) Sombrito, Abidin, Szymczak, Jha, Choi, LeeJS, LeeJH Others (experts) IND, ROK, PHI, CPR, AUT LeeSH, Arman, Zhang, Kennedy, Froehlich, Ramanathan Total 21 Persons
Review of Colombo Workshop KEY ISSUESRESULTS Final Meeting (Xiamen) Final Report Peer review by outside experts Delivery of Outputs Review of Progress Review of the 2008 Plan and the Final Meeting Discussion on the Final Report (Table of Contents) Some Other Matters (Sequel Project, TTF, etc)
2. Introduction to the Meeting Review of the Prospectus Objectives Outputs Participants Introduction to the Agenda
Review of the Prospectus Objectives of the Meeting to review and evaluate the achievements of all activities carried out under the Project to review the combined project final report for UNDP(K) from the participating countries to share experience and information obtained from the project to obtain feedback from end-users on the benefits and to explore further strengthening of their involvement in the project to discuss common concerns and problems pertaining to marine environment to consider actions to assure sustainability of the project.
Review of the Prospectus Outputs of the Meeting Presentations of achievements in all participating countries including success stories and lessons learned A meeting report (This is a record of the meeting based on usual structural format.) A project final report (This is the final report of the RCA-UNDP(K), which provides overall technical information on the Project, but could become an interim report if the project is extended in partnership with the UNDP) Other recommendations from stakeholders and end-users on actions to assure sustainability of the project
Meeting Participants ParticipantsSub-totalRemark Member States NPCs from All MS14 Financial requirements for travel has increased a lot in 2008 Invitation of some outside experts was considered, but nullified due to budget constraint local participants (end-users) 3 RCAROStaff3 Others- UNDP - MEST - others none
Summary of Agenda DAYSESSIONS Mon Plenary General Overview Progress Report of Member States – Group I Tue Progress Report of Member States – Group II Presentation of Summary Report of Project by Obj. Wed5. Delivery of Results and End-user Views 6. Review of the Draft for Final Report Thu7. Review of the Draft for Final Report 8. Wrap-up and Closing
3. Key Issues of the Meeting Progress Review Project Extension Work Plan for 2009 (in case of extension) ‘Final’ Report
Progress Review 1. Pending from Colombo Workshop The participants were requested to provide progress reports Some submitted the progress reports, but not all have been collected 2. The Requirements for Progress Report The Final Report Planning for Further Work 3. This Meeting should collect all the progress report
Project Extension (to be discussed on Wednesday) 1. Background At the 37 th RCA GC, RCARO reported on the RCA-UNDP Project and its search for a sequel project. The MSs decided to to extend the project to 2009, if agreed by participants develop a sequel project during The RCARO sent inquiery to MSs Most MSs desired to join the extension (no MS opposed) This Meeting is to discuss the work plan for 2009
Project Extension Do you agree to the Extension ? If no, this meeting is the Final Meeting, as planned. If yes, what do you want to do in 2009 ? In the latter case, details for the work plan for 2009 is to be discussed later on Wednesday This Meeting has to ask your wish…
Work Plan for in case of project extension - Work Scope and Schedule Project Management Other Associated Issues To be worked on Wednesday
‘ Final’ Report A preliminary draft has been brought by RCARO for review at this Meeting The Meeting has to discuss on the fate of the ‘ final ’ report The Meeting has also to set up plan for completing the report The ‘final’ report will depend on the project extension
What to be in the report ? A good description of the project, including background and implementation A good description of scientific/technical approach to study An introduction to nuclear techniques and recognition of others ’ work in related topics and relation to the project Points of contribution by the project to the end-users in MSs and delivery of outputs/outcomes What else ?
PLCC Final Report OLCCs NPCs RACRO elaboration (consultant ?) Job Assignment for the Final Report - a discussion on who does what and how -
4. Additional Issues 1. Assessment of in-kind contribution of Member States to the Project 2. Survey of end-users in Member States for delivery of outputs/outcomes 3. Some other matters to be discussed later : New project development Application for the UNESCAP Tsunami Trust Fund Interaction with other RCA projects
Additional Issues A New Project to be Developed during 2009 (To be discussed Separately) Assessment of In-kind Contribution of Member States to the Project ( A form is sent to the MSs for such survey) Survey of end-users in MSs for delivery of outputs/outcomes
Survey on In-kind Contributions by MSs Category ItemsEstimated Costs Remark Work Force NPT Others Facilities and Equipment Field equipment Lab facilities Others
Survey on End-users in MSs Methodology to be discussed at this Meeting
5. Project Outputs/Outcomes : Reminder from the Project Contract Document 1. Forums at the national level by 6 selected MSs to build wider participation involving major stakeholders to : verify the usefulness of the data and obtain feedback from the participating MS Scope out the project as proposed and identify common areas of interest for collaboration Roadmap the plan for action for translating the results to management decision and policies/laws, at the national level 2. Regional meetings with participation of major stakeholders from MSs will be held annually to review the data assessment results and the feedback by the MS through national forums 3. Bulletins will be issued for wider dissemination of the project activities progress, results, and impacts to the major stakeholders of the MSs
Project Outputs/Outcomes (cont.) : Reminder from the Project Contract Document 4. During the project implementation, the MSs hit by tsunami will keep informed of the progress to the concerned UNDP Country in their country for future follow-up cooperation. 5. By the end of the project, the respective government implementing agencies in 2~3 selected MSs will be responsible for preparing the action plan in consultation with the respective UNDP Country Offices to integrate the proposed recommendations into management strategy for policy action at national level 6. Upon completion of the project, these 2~3 selected MSs present and share the implementation progress of follow-up action plan, at the annual RCA NRM an the post-assessment of the project impact will be conducted after 3~4 years and share it with the MSs
Thank you for your attention Any Question ? www. rcaro. org