Tim Savelle FFA Advisor Morgan County High School Doing the Right Thing Livestock Show Ethics
“Cheating, abuse rear their heads at livestock fairs.” USA Today “A blue ribbon year for cheating: Fraud and felonies replace showmanship and hard work at Ohio’s livestock shows.” Columbus Dispatch Why The Concern? Livestock Show Ethics
National Emphasis On Youth Livestock Show Ethics New Logo Livestock Show Ethics
Why The Sudden Interest? Animal Rights Concerns Food Animal Regulations Public Perception Livestock Show Ethics We Are Under the Magnifying Glass
Ethical Livestock Showing What’s in it for us? Enjoyment Keep doing it Respect Clear conscience Livestock Show Ethics
Why Should We Be Concerned About Ethics? Project animals are food animals Maintain reputation Humane treatment Obey the law Livestock Show Ethics
The Ethical Compass You should be able to answer “NO” to all six questions. Livestock Show Ethics Hoard’s DairymanHolstein Foundation
Some Ethical Practices Washing and clipping heifers Adjusting feed to change weight gain Using labeled medications at correct dosage Doing toplines Exercising Livestock Show Ethics
Some Unethical Practices Giving a cow a tranquilizer to calm it down before a show. Injecting udder to induce bloom Lying about the birthdate Showing someone else’s animal without permission Dehydrating an animal to remove weight Livestock Show Ethics
Sportsmanship Conduct Fairness Honesty Competitive Spirit Courtesy Humble winner and graceful loser Livestock Show Ethics
What motivates YOU to do the right thing? Increasing Maturity and Integrity Livestock Show Ethics Hoard’s Dairyman Holstein Foundation
Special New Emphasis in Georgia’s Junior Livestock Program Unapproved and Extra-Label Drug Use in Show Animals Livestock Show Ethics
Categories Illegal Drug Use Unapproved Drug Use Extra - Label Drug Use Prescription Drug Use Withdrawal windows Livestock Show Ethics
Illegal Drug Use Clenbuterol Thorazine Ace Livestock Show Ethics
Unapproved Drug Use Legal drugs not approved for show animals Residues can appear in meat or milk which may result in allergic reactions in humans Livestock Show Ethics
Extra-Label Drug Use Exceeding labeled dosage Administering at the wrong time Administering using the wrong method. Livestock Show Ethics
Prescription Drug Use Prescription drugs should be used only when prescribed by a licensed veterinarian for a specific animal and administered in the prescribed manner. Livestock Show Ethics
Withdrawal Times A concern in meat animals and lactating dairy cattle. Most medicines take days to disappear from animal’s system Livestock Show Ethics
Penalties for Violations Forfeiture of prize money Forfeiture of sale price Seizure of animal without compensation. Disbarment from youth shows Legal action (misdemeanor or felony) Embarrassment Livestock Show Ethics
Agreement To Comply With Unapproved and Extra-label Drug Use Rules Of the Georgia Junior Livestock Program By signing this agreement I acknowledge and agree to the following: I am a bona fide member of the Morgan County FFA Chapter. I understand that the Georgia Department of Agriculture may conduct random urine drug tests on all species at the livestock shows beginning in I have read and/or had explained to me the rules regarding unapproved and extra-label drug use in animals participating in the Georgia Junior Livestock Program and agree to abide by the following: I agree not to give a show animal any medication not specifically labeled for it according to its species, age, time to slaughter, or stage of lactation. I agree not to exceed labeled dosages when giving animals over-the-counter medication or medication prescribed by a veterinarian. I agree not to give a show animal prescription medication unless that animal is under the care of a licensed veterinarian. If I have an animal under the care of a veterinarian and am administering medication according to the veterinarian’s instructions I agree to have the prescription in my possession while my animal is on the premises of a show. I understand that a prescription does not necessarily mean that my show animal is automatically in compliance with the rules if a urine test reveals a specific violation. I agree to abide by withdrawal times of medications and/or feed additives. I will not bring an animal to a show that is within the withdrawal window stated on the medication and/or feed additive’s label. I agree to notify Mr. Savelle of any medications that my show animal is receiving as soon as I begin administering the medication. I understand that violation of the rules on unapproved and extra-label drug use in animals that I exhibit in the Georgia Junior Livestock Program may result in fines, disbarment from exhibiting livestock at junior shows in the future, and possible legal action against myself, my parents, and my agriculture teacher. I have participated in a class offered by my FFA chapter in which I was made aware of the rules governing unapproved or extra-label drug use by the Georgia Junior Livestock Program. Signature of Student Date: Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor
Ethical Livestock Showing It’s the RIGHT THING TO DO! Livestock Show Ethics