1.Open Safari (iPad) or Google Chrome (desktop). 2.Type in the following website: – –In the search box on studyjams.com type: Atoms –Click on the first video: “Atoms: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons” 3.Watch the video on studyjams.com about Atoms. –Write down at least two interesting facts you learned from the video in either Notes (iPad) or Word (desktop). 4.Compare notes with a partner. Type any notes that your partner has that you did not type down already. 5.At the top of the Note or Document, type the title: –StudyJams – Atoms – Student# –S# example would look like: H05 or V20 TASK Checklist: ____ Did you watch the studyjams.com video on Atoms? ____ Did you write down two facts you learned from the video? ____ Did you share your facts with a partner? ____ Did you add the facts to your notes your partner communicated with you? ____ Did you save your notes under the title “StudyJams – Atoms - S#”? This task uses: or and or Learning Objective(s): I can describe and explain the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Physical Science - GLE 3: Describe the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons (PS-M-A2)
1.Open Safari (iPad) or Google Chrome (desktop). 2.Type in the following website: – –In the search box on studyjams.com type: Atoms –Click on the first video: “Atoms: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons” 3.Rewatch the video on studyjams.com about Atoms. –Take the quiz at the end of the video. 4.On your notes from yesterday, add your score to the bottom of the Note or Document. –Type up the questions that you missed underneath the score, and type in the correct answer and an explanation of why that is the correct answer next to it. 5.Save your Note/Document. TASK Checklist: ____ Did you watch the studyjams.com video on Atoms? ____ Did you take the quiz at the end of the video? ____ Did you type your score at the bottom of your Note or Document? ____ Did you type the questions you missed underneath your score? ____ Did you type the correct answer and explanation next to the question? ____ Did you save your Note/Document? This task uses: or and or Learning Objective(s): I can describe and explain the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Physical Science - GLE 3: Describe the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons (PS-M-A2)
1.Open the Educreations App and create a new project. 2.Import the picture of the blank labeling Atom: –It looks like: 3.Using the Educreations App and the blank atom image, create a video labeling each part of the atom. –While you are labeling each part of the atom, describe the electrical charge of each part. 4.Once you have finished, save and self-assess your video. –Listen to yourself and look at the labels. –Think: Is the information I am telling correct? Did I label and explain each part of the Atom? Am I speaking with correct grammar? Did I write legibly (neatly) and speak clearly? 5.Peer-Assess another student within our classroom. Use the feedback form to share your comments. –Think: Is the information they are telling correct? Did they label and explain each part of the Atom? Are they speaking with the correct grammar? Did they write legibly (neatly) and speak clearly? 6.If needed, make any necessary corrections to your video, using the provided feedback. Be sure to resave your video, if changes were made. TASK Checklist: ____ Did you import the blank picture of an Atom into a new project? ____ Did you label and describe each part of the atom using the picture? ____ Did you save and self-assess your video using the “Think” Questions? ____ Did you Peer-Assess another student’s video using the “Think” Questions using the feedback form? ____ Did you make any necessary corrections to your video, if you needed? This task uses: Learning Objective(s): I can describe and explain the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Physical Science - GLE 3: Describe the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons (PS-M-A2)
1.After creating your at home Atomic Model, using your assigned Element, create a video, using your project model, explaining how you knew the number and placement of protons, neutrons, and electrons in your project. 2.Open iMovie to create your video. –You will be in the video explaining your Atomic Model. –You will be showing off your Atomic Model, so make sure you have a way to display it. –You will need to import at least one image to show your Element from the Periodic Table. 3.Once you have finished, save and self-assess your video. –Listen and look at yourself presence on the video. –Think: Is the information I am telling correct? Did I label and explain each part of my Atomic Model? Am I speak loud enough with correct grammar? Did I speak clearly and keep my body still (no wiggling, looking around, fidgeting)? Did they speak clearly and keep my body still (no wiggling, looking around, fidgeting)? 4.If needed, make any necessary corrections to your video, using the self- assess feedback. 5.Share your Video on the class Padlet – Elements. 6.Peer-Assess other two other student’s (other homeroom) videos on Padlet. –Leave one Star (positive) and one Stair (constructive feedback) under the comment section of the two videos you reviewed. TASK Checklist: ____ Did you import the blank picture of an Atom into a new project? ____ Did you label and describe each part of the atom using the picture? ____ Did you save and self-assess your video using the “Think” Questions? ____ Did you share your video creation on Padlet - Elements? ____ Did you respond to two other students from the other classroom with one star and one stair? This task uses: and Learning Objective(s): I can describe and explain the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Physical Science - GLE 3: Describe the structure of atoms and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons (PS-M-A2)