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Presentation transcript:


Welcome/Housekeeping Norms Everyone will participate Share the air Be fully present/Silence cell phones Parking Lot Restrooms/Other 2

Today’s Objectives View videos of common core lessons and discuss shifts Dissect a grade level appropriate Performance Task Plan for DOK activities per RI standard in PT PDIM Lesson plan Debrief with your site staff and principal Discuss next steps with regard to CCSS with your site staff and principal 3

Today’s Schedule (times approximate) 8:00 Opening in Cafeteria with District Personnel 8:30Meet with your grade level from all 8 sites --View/Discuss videos --Dissect a Performance Task (PT) 10:30Break------Time approximate 10:45Meet with your grade level team DOK activities for RI standards 12:00Lunch 1:00Grade level planning (continue DOK, plan PDIM RI lesson) 2:00Site Staff Meetings with your Principal --Share Out --Determine Next Steps 2:50Dismissal 4

Video #1 (small group lesson)---15 mins RL Ask and answer questions about key details in a text; R.L Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details SL Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners; SL Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood. Distribute note-taking forms (feedback forms from LS) Divide into Teacher and Student Observers Number 1: Teacher Number 2: Student Watch Video/Record observations (academic language/strategies, procedures, PDIM) Pair Share (1 and 2) Whole Group---(3 rd grade teacher quote) Videos available for viewing at: (You must register!) Close Reading: The Case of the Strange Noise (Fern) 5

Video Reflection- 20 mins - What commonalities do you see with the structure of this lesson so far and the PDIM (Pittsburg Direct Instruction Model)? - What is a shift from current practice in the classroom? What is different? - What academic language do you here? - What procedures would you have to put in place for collaborative conversations? - What stood out to you? Why? What changes will need to be made to shift to CCSS? 6

Video #2 (whole class lesson) 15 mins RL.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. W.1.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. SL.1.2: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. L.1.5: With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. - Switch Roles for observer notes: (If you were 1 be 2, 2 be 1) Number 1: Teacher Number 2: Student - Pair Share (1 and 2) - Whole group share out 7

1 st grade—Sample Performance Task (not SBAC) mins Small group Pages 1 and min Type of task(s)? Standards being assessed? DOK level? Page min Time frame? Pages 4 – 8 and resources min Teacher Involvement? What materials are provided? What is not provided? How much teacher preparation is needed? Rubrics min What do you notice about the rubrics used for scoring? 8

Performance Task (continued) –10 mins Whole Group What is similar about this PT to what you have done previously in your classroom? What will you need to do differently to prepare your students to complete this PT at a proficient level? 9

BREAK---15 mins Return and sit with site teams 10

DOK You will need: Pink Packet DOK wheel DOK sentence stems Performance Task Task: Backwards Mapping Performance Task Standards—RI 1.4, 1.8, 1.10 Break down DOK tasks/stems for each standard 11

LUNCH 12:00-12:50PM 12

1:00- 1:45pm Planning Time (by site) PDIM on RI Standard Continue DOK breakdown for rest of RI standards 13

Recap (1: min) Videos—Shifts Performance Task—Overview DOK planning (backwards mapping) Lesson Plan Next Steps: Site debrief at 2:00 Foothill: 13Los Medanos: library Heights: 14Parkside: 8 Highlands: 7Marina Vista: 17 Stoneman: 19Willow Cove: 20 14