If you need to do this on your own time, this powerpoint will be available on my website. Camelback Homepage Academics Academic Departments English Alexandra Harmon Journalism Instructions to Everything
FIRST, EXPORT YOUR PODCAST 1.Hover over “Share” 2.Click “Export Podcast to Disk”
Click “Export”
Name if whatever you like and click “Save” Save it somewhere you will remember.
NOW, SIGN INTO VIMEO 1.Go to vimeo.com 2.Click “log in” 3.Username: Password: Spartans2014 Make sure you use a capital “s”!
5.Click “Upload Video” on the right-hand side. 6.Once you have chosen your file, click “Upload Selected” It will take about 45 minutes to upload, but you can exit out now.
FINALLY, POST YOUR PODCAST 18.Hover over “posts” 19.Click “Add New”
On the right hand-side, change the format to “Video.”
o Sign into Vimeo o Click on the “Share” button in the right-hand corner of the video It looks like a paper airplane.
Copy the text under “embed”
Back on your WordPress post, toggle over from “Visual” to “Test
o Paste the text into the Post box o Preview your video first to make sure it works o When you are ready to submit, click “Submit for Review.”