Applied Research Project Petey Fabian
Boulder Colorado Statistician Starting Salary: $58,610
San Francisco California Statistician Starting Salary: $82,700
Boulder Colorado Monthly Salary:$4884 Apartment: $1000 Groceries: $310 Utilities: $200 Car Payment: $400 Health Insurance: $225 Income Tax: 4.63%
San Francisco California Monthly Salary: $6892 Apartment:$1000 Groceries: $350 Utilities: $280 Car Payment: $400 Health Insurance: $300 Income Tax: 13.3%
Conclusions Salary is much higher in San Francisco, but the income tax is about 3 times as much. Also, the cost of living is higher in San Francisco. Even with these too increased expenses, you could still make more money in San Francisco. Both salaries though, are good and you would be fine to live in either one of these places.
Graduate School For a graduate degree in math, it could cost anywhere between $10,000 and $20,000 a year. According to Onet Online, between 20% and 50% of people in this field or related fields have a master degree. Using the NACE salary calculator, I noticed that going to graduate school didn’t make a huge impact on your starting salary. Based on this info, I would not say graduate school is necessary to be successful in this field
Degrees related with graduate education Mathematicians- $103,720 Operations Research Analysts- $76,660 Biostatisticians- $79,990 Remote Sensing Scientists- $94,030 Economists- $95,710 ****Not all of these degrees require masters education****
Takeaways from this assignment Depending on where you work, you can make significantly different amounts of money. Grad School, could help you out but more likely than not, you will spend more on it then you will gain. Overall, I found this interesting, but to me, the amount of money I make isn’t super important compared to the location and the actual job I’m doing.