Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) Briefing the Portfolio Committee 05 November 2014
Contents Analysis of department’s performance Improvement plan 2
Overall comparison MPAT 1.2 overall performance MPAT 1.3 overall performance 4
Comparison: MPAT 1.2 & 1.3 scores per KPA 5
Areas of weakness (Level 1) Governance & Accountability Service delivery improvement Assessment of policies and systems to ensure professional ethics Governance of ICT Promotion of access to information (PAIA) Human Resource Management Management of diversity 6
Areas that need improvement (Level 2) Strategy Management Annual performance planning Integration of M & E in performance and strategic management Governance & Accountability Risk management Financial delegations 7
Areas that need improvement (Level 2) Human Resource Management Human resource planning Management of employee health Implementation of performance management system for all levels Management of disciplinary cases Financial Management Demand management Acquisition management Disposal management Payment of suppliers within 30 days Management of unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure 8
Strategic Management 10 Area of Improvement Identified GapIntervention Annual performance planning Indicators not SMART Non-achievement of planned targets No Ministerial sign off on progress reports Conduct SMART analysis for all indicators Standardised strategic management as a Top Management agenda item to monitor departmental performance. The Executive Authority will sign off on all progress reports Integration of M & E in performance and strategic management Outdated policy and guidelines for the management of performance information Policy and guidelines on the management of performance information updated and aligned to the changes in the monitoring and evaluation environment Augmenting the capacity of monitoring and evaluation in the department.
Governance & Accountability 11 Area of ImprovementIdentified GapIntervention Service delivery improvement No evidence provided on the service delivery improvement Developed a service charter and displayed it in all buildings Service delivery improvement plan updated to reflect the services provided by the department Assessment of policies and systems to ensure professional ethics No compliance with submitting SMS disclosures within timeframes Strengthened the coordination and provide managers with the required training to complete the process on-line. Governance of ICT ICT Corporate Governance Framework, Charter, Policy and implementation plan not approved ICT Corporate Governance Framework, Charter and Policy have been approved ICT implementation plan under review as part of the master systems plan Promotion of access to information (PAIA) No compliance with the standard requirements Performance agreement of departmental information officer revised Section 15 submitted to DoJCD Created record management system for PAIA
Human Resource Management 12 Area of Improvement Identified GapIntervention Human resource planning Human Resources Plan not discussed by Top Management. The Human Resource Plan ( ) was completed and submitted to DPSA. The process is underway to develop the 2015/19 HR Plan in support of the new Departmental strategic plan. Management of employee health Approved GSRB HIV&AIDS Operational Plans for the next financial year not submitted to DPSA by 31 March. The Operational Plan has been drafted and will be submitted to DPSA before 1 March The Department does not have a budget allocation for EHWP. The budget allocation of R6 million for EHWP has been made available Implementation of performance management system for all levels Annual assessment for previous cycle not finalised by due date (All levels). Preparations for assessments will be made in advance in Quarter 4 to ensure that the process starts as soon as assessments are submitted.
Human Resource Management 13 Area of Improvement Identified GapIntervention Management of disciplinary cases Department does not finalise disciplinary cases within policy requirements Efforts had been made to increase the number of presiding officers and also training of employees on labour relations to ensure that all cases are finalised as prescribed. The Department is also utilising officials from other Departments to preside over cases.
Financial Management 14 Area of ImprovementIdentified GapIntervention Demand managementSubmitting after the required timeframes Obtaining approval prior to the due date (i.e. at least a week before) Acquisition managementLimited evidence provided The portfolio of evidence has been increased (i.e. the minutes are over a 6 month period, appointment letters are for all committee members) Disposal managementLimited evidence showing consideration of financial, social and environmental factors Improved the detail of the disposal committee meetings to include the financial, social and environmental factors Payment of suppliers within 30 days No tracking system Undergone benchmarking exercise on other departments with IT tracking systems and reviewing the current manual system to be able to automate Management of unathorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure Submitted procedure document instead of an action plan Action plan developed and monitored throughout the year resulting in no qualification on irregular and fruitless expenditure
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