1 Summary of Phase I – Phase III Progress and Accomplishments and Phase IV Work plan April 27, 2004
2 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Approved by Agency, Governor, or Legislature, and either already or soon to be implemented Buildings and Facilities #Option Name 1Commercial / Industrial Fossil Fuel Retrofit 5Electric Energy Efficiency Retrofit in Non- Residential Buildings and Facilities 9Efficient Residential Electric Cooling 10Retrofit Program for Electrically Heated Residences 12Electric Equipment Retrofit Program (Small Commercial & Industrial)
3 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Approved by Agency, Governor, or Legislature, and either already, or soon to be implemented Buildings and Facilities #Option Name 14Efficient Residential Lighting / Appliances 15Efficient Non-Residential Construction 16Energy Star Home Construction Program
4 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Approved by Agency, Governor, or Legislature, and either already or soon to be implemented Energy Supplies and Solid Waste #Option Name 40Promote New Renewable Electricity Supply Using System Benefit Charge Funds 41Promote Green Power Purchases Using System Benefit Charge Funds
5 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Finalized by SG, and in approval process by Agency or Legislature or Governor Buildings and Facilities #Option Name 7Tax Credits For Energy Efficiency 8Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Initiative (Non-Industrial) 13Public Facilities Efficiency Initiative 32Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Buydown Program
6 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Finalized by SG, and in approval process by Agency or Legislature or Governor Transportation and Land Use #Option Name 18Local Fuel Economy Improvements (Feebate) 23Government Owned And Private Fleet-Vehicle Efficiency Initiative Energy Supply / Solid Waste #Option Name 26Renewable Portfolio Standards
7 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Under Development by WG and SG Buildings and Facilities #Option Name 2Compact Residential Appliances Initiative 6Efficient Residential Fossil Fuel Heating 11Retrofit for Fossil Heated Residences
8 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Under Development by WG and SG Transportation and Land Use #Option Name 19Transit Oriented Development and Enhancing Transit Options and Operations 24Urban/Suburban Forestry Program 25Open Space Protection Program 36Conversion of Marginal Cropland to Forest Initiative 37Conversion of Marginal Cropland to Wetlands Initiative 38Low Input Agriculture & Improved Cropping Systems Initiative 39Forest Management Initiative
9 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Not Started Buildings and Facilities #Option Name 3Energy Efficiency Targeting Initiative (Industrial) 4Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Initiative (Industrial) 17Use of Lower Carbon Fossil Fuels 30Compact Floorspace Initiative 31Switch from Electric to Fossil Fuel Heating 33Active Solar Hot Water Heating Initiative 34Non-Residential Natural Gas Air Conditioning Initiative
10 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Not Started Transportation and Land Use #Option Name 20Expand Bicycle/Pedestrian Infrastructures 21Commuting Efficiency Program 22Commuting Trip Reduction Initiative 35 Fleet Fuel GHG Content Mandate
11 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Not Started Transportation and Land Use 51 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)-Based Insurance Premium Structures 52 Transportation Infrastructure Planning: Commuter rail/light rail and its potential electrification Advanced bus rapid transit Barging Shifting transportation resources to preserving RI’s transportation infrastructure
12 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Not Started Energy Supply and Solid Waste 27Resource Management (RM) Contracting 28Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) Initiative 29State Facilities Renewable Purchase Requirement 42Incentive Package Initiative: Production tax credit Investment tax credit Backup Rates Net Metering 43Direct Government Investments Or Expenditures in Renewable Energy 44 Deposit Bottle System (“Bottle Bill”)
13 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Non-Consensus In-State Options Not Started Buildings and Facilities 45Upgrade New Residential Construction Building Code 46Upgrade New Commercial Construction Building Code Transportation and Land Use 47Increase the Gasoline Tax
14 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments Consensus Regional / National Options Buildings and Facilities 48Upgrade and Extend Appliance Efficiency Standards Finalized by SG Energy and Solid Waste 50Carbon (and Multi-Pollutant) Cap and Permit Trade System for the Power Sector RGGI Transportation and Land Use 49National Fuel Efficiency Standards for Cars and Light Trucks (CAFÉ) Not Started
15 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Progress & Accomplishments
16 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Phase IV Phase IV Draft Work Plan (1) Follow-Up on Phase II/III Actions Finalized (close as many as possible) (2) VMT Measures (3) Fossil Fuel Retrofit Funding/(SBC) Program (4) Education and Outreach Campaign (5) Forestry Programs
17 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Phase IV Phase IV Draft Work Plan (6) Solid Waste – Resource Management (if funded) (and possibly Pay-as-you-Throw) (7) Update Modeling (8) Setting Up Tracking System for Implemented Options (9) Review plans from other states for new options (10) Set renewable purchase targets for state government buildings and facilities
18 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Phase IV Possible Phase IV VMT Reduction Measures (1) Establishment of Vehicle Fee Zones (i.e., urban core zones where vehicles must pay a fee (obtain a permit) to operate) (2) HOV Lanes (3) HOV Preferences (parking, fee exemptions, toll exemptions) (4) Transit Expansion (including vans, bus, rail) (5) Transit User Subsidies (6) Emissions Fees (pay for privilege to emit -- CO2 and/or criteria pollutants -- has interesting synergies in that it also promotes emissions maintenance)
19 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Phase IV Possible Phase IV VMT Reduction Measures (7) Annual VMT Fee (8) Time-of-Day Roadway Fees (9) Parking Fees (10) Employer Trip Reduction Requirements (11) Flex-Time Programs (12) Telecommuting Programs
20 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Phase IV Possible Phase IV VMT Reduction Measures (13) TOD (14) "Village" Based Development (i.e., mixed homes and services) (15) Biking and Pedestrian Facility Development (16) Gas Tax (17) Pay-as-You-Go Insurance (18) Smart Traffic Signals
21 RI GHG Stakeholder Process Phase IV Phase IV Funding Sources RI DEM RI SEO RI Foundation? RI Resource Recovery Authority? Other??