Understanding the ARD Process Presented by: Daniel Garza Special Education Director
In order to run an effective ARD meeting, it is important to know the roles and responsibilities an Administrator has before, during, and after a meeting. The better informed the administrator is in the process, the better they can facilitate the identification of an instructional program for the student, as well as the delivery of it. Frequently asked questions will be addressed as well as identification of valuable resources. Purpose
The following are required participants at the ARD Parent/Guardian Regular Ed. Teacher Special Education Teacher Campus Administrator LPAC Representative for all Bilingual and ESL Students Assessment personnel when reviewing assessment information AI and VI for auditory impaired or visually impaired students CATE rep if considering initial or continued placement in a vocational course Who needs to be at an ARD?
The following are not required but their attendance and input may be necessary Speech therapist/pathologist Counselor Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Adaptive P. E. Other These are non voting members. ARD Membership
Required members are all voting members and the goal is to reach a consensus. If consensus is not reached, it comes down to the administrator’s vote and the parents’ vote. A 10 day recess can be called to help the parties reach a consensus. Who are the Voting members?
Yes A parent or guardian can make a written request for a full and individual initial evaluation of a student. It must be dated and when received it must be stamped with the received date. As a district, we have 15 days to obtain written consent for the evaluation; or Refuse to evaluate and provide the parent or guardian with notice of procedural safeguards. Can a parent request testing?
The timeline starts the day that written consent is obtained. A written report of the FIE must be completed no later than the 45th school day following the date of written consent. When does the timeline for assessment begin?
No The District determines the specific personnel to fill the roles of the required members at the ARD meeting. A parent can not demand to have all the general ed. teachers present as long as one is there to fill that requirement. Can a Parent require the district to have specific employees attend an ARD meeting?
No We can ask, but we cannot require. They can invite whom ever they wish including an advocate, and this invited person becomes a participant and is allowed to actively take part in the meeting. Can we require parents to provide advance notice of any persons they intend on bringing to the ARD?
Follow an agenda Page 49 of our policy and procedures handbook, found online, has a sample agenda that is easy to follow. What can we do to insure we are conducting the ARD properly?
Accommodations that are done in the classroom, are to assist the student in learning concepts. Accommodations on the test are utilized to help students understand questions or recall information. Why do we offer accommodations that are not allowable on state testing?
Who needs a transition ARD? Students moving from 5 th to 6 th Grade Students moving from 8 th to 9 th grade On or before the 14 th birthday What is needed? On or before the students 14 th birthday, the following must occur for the scheduled ARD: o Student, parent, and teacher interview (Forms are located within the SuccessEd system) o Student must be invited to the ARD meeting By 8 th Grade, the following must occur for the scheduled ARD: o The Kuder Career Planning System should be conducted by the career counselors) o The Transition supplement and the Coordinated Set of Activities must be completed (Both forms are located within the SuccessEd System) o The Graduation Plan Course of Study (Form is located within the SuccessEd System) o ARD invitation and student participation Transition ARD’s?
By 9 th Grade, the following must occur for the scheduled ARD: o The Transition supplement and the Coordinated Set of Activities must be updated (Both forms are located within the SuccessEd System) o The Graduation Plan Course of Study must be updated (Form is located within the SuccessEd System) o ARD invitation and student participation By 10 th Grade, the following must occur for the scheduled ARD: o The Transition supplement and the Coordinated Set of Activities must be updated (Both forms are located within the SuccessEd System) o The Graduation Plan Course of Study must be updated (Form is located within the SuccessEd System) o ARD invitation and student participation
By 11 th Grade, the following must occur for the scheduled ARD: o The Transition supplement and the Coordinated Set of Activities must be updated (Both forms are located within the SuccessEd System) o The Graduation Plan Course of Study must be updated (Form is located within the SuccessEd System) o ARD invitation ( Transition and agency coordination considered) and student participation o Discuss transfer of rights and/or guardianship if applicable o Provide transition brochure By 12 th Grade, the following must occur for the scheduled ARD: o The Transition supplement and the Coordinated Set of Activities must be updated and completed (Both forms are located within the SuccessEd System) o The Graduation Plan Course of Study must be updated and completed (Form is located within the SuccessEd System) o Graduation Supplement must be completed (Form is located within the SuccessEd System) o ARD invitation and student participation o Agency coordination including invitation to ARD o Discuss transfer of rights and/or guardianship if applicable (Transfer of rights occurs no later than the student’s 18 th birthday
Policies and Procedures Handbook 1. District website 2. Choose departments – Special Education 3. Select Special Education Handbook 4. Enter Credentials TEA Website e.aspx Where can we get more information on the ARD Process?