What makes us human?
Body? Body? Soul? Soul? Body & Soul? Body & Soul? Do body and soul separate when we die? Do body and soul separate when we die? If only my soul reaches the next life then am I not really physical at all? If only my soul reaches the next life then am I not really physical at all? If my body is left to waste away then is my soul important and my body not? If my body is left to waste away then is my soul important and my body not? What is more important – body or soul? What is more important – body or soul?
What is the Soul? The part of a human that is not physical The part of a human that is not physical The part of humans that lives on after the body has died The part of humans that lives on after the body has died The spiritual aspect of a human that makes us unique The spiritual aspect of a human that makes us unique The part of a human that allows us to relate to God The part of a human that allows us to relate to God
Christians believe: Christians believe: When the body dies the immortal soul lives on When the body dies the immortal soul lives on Animals do not have souls which is why humans are special (made in the image of God) Animals do not have souls which is why humans are special (made in the image of God) Genesis 1 v 26 “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” Genesis 1 v 26 “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” Upon death Christians will receive a glorified body like Jesus had Upon death Christians will receive a glorified body like Jesus had Reincarnation is false – you only get one chance at life Reincarnation is false – you only get one chance at life The soul and the body are in conflict with one another The soul and the body are in conflict with one another What is the Soul?
Dante’s Inferno Virgil took Dante on a trip through Hell Virgil took Dante on a trip through Hell There were several levels with people on each one There were several levels with people on each one The people were punished according to what they had done on earth The people were punished according to what they had done on earth The punishment fitted the crime The punishment fitted the crime On the lowest level lived Satan himself who ate the bodies of the damned On the lowest level lived Satan himself who ate the bodies of the damned
Heavenly Puss Heavenly Puss