What is an archetype? A model image, personage, or theme that recurs in stories and myths throughout history and literature. Types of archetypes: character archetypes, story archetypes, and symbolic archetypes
Types of Archetypes Character Archetypes: Hero, Sidekick, Woman Warrior, Wise Old Man, Gentle Beast, Outcast, Faithful Wife, Mentor, Fool, Evil Stepmother, Wanderer, Damsel in Distress, Devil Figure/Bad Guy, Temptress/Femme Fatale, Faithful Companion, Faithful Wife, Scapegoat, Orphan, Hag/Crone, Herald/Announcer, Wise Child, Earth Mother, Star-Crossed Lovers
Story/Journey Archetypes To find one’s self, to return home, rebirth/journey to the underworld and back/resurrection, death, quest for one’s identity, knowledge for the quest of the king, to find the promised land/to found the good city, quest for vengeance, quest to rid the land of danger, warrior’s journey to save his people, search for love, metaphorical journey into the “darkness of the soul,” journey over water, arming of the hero, testing of the hero, disguise/trickery, battle with “bad guys”/evil; task to accomplish obstacle to overcome
Symbolic Archetypes Fire and Ice Light and Darkness Good and Evil
What is the Journey of the Hero? The best way to explain this is to think about mythology. Usually, an adventure is presented to a would-be hero. During this adventure, the hero encounters challenges that must be overcome. Once these are overcome, the hero returns to share the benefits of his/her learning.
Activity Example: In the movie Shrek there are several archetypes. For example, the character Shrek is a combination of character archetypes: the hero, the outcast, and the gentle beast. Donkey is the sidekick, faithful companion, and outcast. Princess Fiona is a damsel in distress at first, but then turns out to be a woman warrior. Shrek ends up going on a quest to “rid the land of danger,” but ends up going on a quest where he falls in love.
Now, you think of a movie example. Write down the movie title and underline it (all movie titles are underlined). Write down character and story archetypes that will fit for your movie. Be prepared to share with the class.