By Jonathan Lioe
A few terrible years back a 13 year old human boy named Finn and a magical dog named Jake got lost in the mysterious growing jungle. It began when they were chasing an evil tentacle monster. They were able to slay it but lost their sense of direction. Finn told Jake to grow huge and look for a way out. Jake’s power is to stretch, grow or shrink.
Jake was able to find the fastest way out but was the worst one of all. He said that evil monsters and invisible traps are guarding it. So they set off on their journey an hour later someone was yelling help! Finn and Jake got there a little boy was crying on the muddy gooey floor. The muddy floor had an eye and a humongous mouth. He was about to eat the boy. But before it could Finn kicked it and it fell through the floor. The boy thanked Finn and ran off.
So Finn and Jake kept on going until they stumbled upon a cute little spiky tin man. He added water on himself and he grew into a giant beast. So Jake grew and they engaged in thrilling hand to hand combat. Jake was able to beat him but a door lord made a door that was covering the way out. Finn and Jake had to find a key to fit the door but Jake stretched his arm into a key and opened it.
Finn was getting hungry they went hunting and than they found something. The magnificent meat man! Jake says he gets all his meat from meat man. So they got their fair share of meat and left. It was getting late Finn opened his backpack and got out his sleeping bag and Jake’s adorable little blanket. They took shifts so no one would attack.
Next morning Finn and Jake kept on moving until they had to fight a magical powerful wizard. The wizard took first shot and made an army of poisonous snakes. Jake knew that animals are attracted to music so opened Finn’s bag and got out his viola. He lured the snakes away but the wizard shot up a beam and it started raining lava. Finn found cover under a old tree but knew it wouldn't last long. Jake was behind the wicked wizard he punched the wizard from behind but missed. The wizard was distracted Finn took advantage of this and kicked him. It stopped raining lava and Finn took the wizard’s wand and put it in his backpack.
They continued there journey when another door was found except this one wasn't locked they opened it. It was a room and on the other side was another door. But an evil soul eater was blocking the way Finn told Jake to disguise himself. Jake disguised himself into Finn. Finn put the top of the lamp on his head. The soul eater noticed them and attacked.
Jake forgot to close the door. The soul eater could smell the scent of the mysterious jungle and it ran for the door. Finn closed the door before the soul eater could get back in. Finn and Jake headed for the other door. They opened it but a mysterious figure knocked them out cold. They woke up in a pile of bananas. Finn and a sleepy Jake saw that they were in a cage.
Jake stretched his arm into a key and opened the cage. They see the mysterious figure again he claims to be the wizard’s brother. Finn kicked him but he turned into smoke. He said he can predict everything. Finn remembered the wizard’s wand and cast a slow motion spell. Once Finn cast the spell he kicked the guy in the face. He fell on the floor and went out cold.
Finn cast a spell to get back to the jungle. When they got back there was a magnificent Pegasus Finn learned how to ride one from the Enchiridion the hero's hand book. Finn and Jake got on the Pegasus and they flew off. They flew to an army of earclopses a creature that has an ear for a head. Jake shaped his hand into a megaphone yelled as loud as he could and all the earclopses fell to the floor. They saw a square door they opened it and got into a world with no oxygen.
There was a bunch of arrows heading toward them. They got out just in time but Finn got stabbed in the leg. Jake said there is a Cyclopes whose tear can heal any wound. They looked for a few hours they were able to get on top of a huge tree on top of a mountain there was a giant eye on the mountain it was the Cyclopes! Jake punched it in the eye and it started crying. Finn healed himself and continued.
They made it to the end of the smelly jungle and went back home to play on BMO their video game machine and roommate. The End