STEM Certification for THE Paulding County High School Magnet School
One of the most biologically diverse watersheds in Georgia 45 fish species including the Endangered species – the Etowah Darter Long-leaf Pine habitat Endangered and Threatened mussels
Can We Identify Species within the Raccoon Creek Watershed Using eDNA?
eDNA Project Results and Possibilities Collaboration with KSU, Cornell, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Nature conservancy Presentations to the community Preservation and knowledge of an amazing local resource Building a Nature Center Science Fair/HOSA/Math competitions Senior capstone projects
Raccoon Creek Environmental Education and Research Center
Answering the Question through your STEM classes 9 th Graders Math – analyze data (rates, probability, statistics) AP Biology – learn about DNA, stream ecology, species diversity and data analysis Health care – learn about bacteria (human contribution and impacts to humans) 10 th Graders Math – analyze data (rates, probability, statistics) AP Chem– learn about water chemistry and data analysis Health care – learn about bacteria (human contribution and impacts to humans) Biotech – sampling techniques and analysis 11 th Graders Math – analyze data (rates, probability, statistics) AP Physics– learn about water velocity and data analysis Health care – learn about bacteria (human contribution and impacts to humans) Biotech – sampling techniques and analysis 12 th Graders Math – analyze data (rates, probability, statistics) AP Env. Science – learn about watershed policies, conservation strategies/assessm ents Health care – learn about bacteria (human contribution and impacts to humans) Biotech – sampling techniques and analysis