+ Are You Using the Right "Drivers" to Assure Success with RTI in Your Schools? Lou Howell, Executive Director Iowa ASCD
+ Our Goal for You Today – Make Connections In order to build our own capacity as a leader of learning, we must make connections with “the right work” Identify best practices to assure alignment of your learners' success and that of the organization/district. Distinguish the right drivers from the wrong drivers - that make the real difference in your district/building. (Michael Fullan) Advocate for learning as our work (Michael Fullan) Compare your work to that of the world's best-performing schools ( McKinsey Report, "How the World's Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top." ) Recognize what leaders are doing to get it done (Chenoweth and Theokas, Getting It Done: Leading Academic Success in Unexpected Schools.) Determine if the Governor's Recommendations for World-Class Schools are aligned with best practices and current research.
+ RTI – Our Last Great Hope? Only if... We build capacity We move forward as committed team We focus on pedagogy (and not technology) We think systems
+ Driver 1: Build Capacity VS External Accountability Strong sense of vision Small number of goals Positive stance on getting it done! Use of data to inform “next steps” – informed by data and driven by results Transparency in results and practice Across the system! Kids, Teachers, Parents, and Community
+ Driver 2: Committed Teams Vs Individual Teacher and Leadership Quality Value Quality Feedback - Must be in a culture focused on kids and their learning Develop entire professional system – not just individuals Individual/Human Capital AND Social Capital Focused Collaborative Practices – transform your school into learning organization!
+ Driver 3: Focus on Pedagogy Vs Technology Pedagogy must be in the driver’s seat Allow technology to be in service to pedagogy and learning
+ Driver 4: “Systemness” Vs. Fragmented Strategies Single vs systemic solutions Its all about the implementation and monitoring for the expectation All must be interconnected and involved – day after day It’s a system thing, not a single thing!
+ RTI – Our Last Great Hope? Only if... We build capacity We move forward as committed team We focus on pedagogy (and not technology) We think systems
+ And it will happen if we remember that... Learning is our work!!
+ So How Is All of This Playing Out in Your Building/District? What’s Driving Our Work? Cross walk of McKinsey Report: “How the World’s Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better,” (November, 2010) and Michael Fullan’s “Choosing the Wrong Drivers for Whole System Reform” (April, 2011) So how do we balance the two? Where are the connections? Any disconnects?
+ And Add These to the Mix! Five Core Practices of “It’s Being Done” Schools (Chenoweth and Theokas) Keep a “laser-like” focus on what students need to learn; Collaborate on how to teach it; Assess frequently to see whether students have learned it: Use data to inform instruction; Build personal relationships
+ And One Unshakable Vision – The Right Drivers? One Unshakable Vision IndicatorsYesYes, But No Great Teachers and Principals Free Principals to Lead New Evaluation System Attract/Support Talented Educators Improve Recruiting & Hiring Teacher Leadership Roles Job Protected based on Effectiveness Transformational Salary Structure Focus on Learning: High Expectations and Fair Measures Improve/Expand Iowa Core Next Generation Assessment New Accountability System Third-Grade Retention Innovations Fuel Local Innovation Increase School Innovation Parent and Community
+ And your next step? Please share with us what you see as “a must” as you go back to assure the success of RTI in your district?