Towards Průmysl 4.0 at Brno University of Technology Prof. Pavel Václavek – Cybernetics in Material Science Research group leader
2 Brno University of Technology the second largest and oldest technical university in Czech Republic established in 1899 by Franz Josef I. 8 faculties and 3 institutes students Ph.D. students employees
3 Research centers at BUT State-of-the-art R&D infrastructure built within OP R&DI European centers of excellence CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology IT4Innovations Regional research centers CVVOZE - Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy SIX - Center of Sensor, Information and Communication Systems NETME - New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering
4 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Department of Control and Instrumentation established 1960, tradition in applied research of control and automation of industrial processes education programs aimed to automation Bachelor – Automation and Instrumentation Master – Cybernetics, Control and Instrumentation Ph.D. – Cybernetics, Control and Instrumentation close cooperation with CEITEC
5 Central European Institute of Technology established by as European center of excellence in Brno in 2011, start-up phase finished in 12/2015, now in full operation fundamental and applied research in engineering, materials and life-science group Cybernetics in Material Science automation, instrumentation, robotics synergies with material science (tools, sensors,…) synergies with life-science (HMI, man-machine interaction)
6 CEITEC - Cybernetics in Material Science FEEC – Department of Control and Instrumentation Wired and Wireless Industrial communication High-performance embedded systems Computer Vision Smart sensors Sensors design using new materials Signal processing Measurement of electrical and non- electrical quantities Algorithms Industrial processes control Drives and Power Systems Control Automatic control Sensors & Measurement Robotics Embedded systems, communication and computer vision
7 Research projects related to Industry 4.0 Cooperation on national level - key role of centers of competences TA ČR CAK 3 – Center of Applied Cybernetics 3 CIDAM – Center of Inteligent Drives and Advanced Machine Control Advanced sensors and sensor data processing methods International cooperation in FP7/H2020 projects EMC² – Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed Criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real- time environments
8 Changes in research Strong link between fundamental and applied research needed supported by H2020 but difficult within national projects Complete solutions required, not only particular technology Faster development of many innovated components in parallel virtual prototyping of components model-base design
9 Virtual prototyping Source: KEMET Source: Infineon Source: Siemens EV
11 Cooperation with industry and institutes International cooperation within FP7/H2020 project, contract research National cooperation within TA ČR projects, contract research Key partners– Infineon Technologies, Siemens, Daimler, NXP, ZF Friedrichshafen, AVL, Danfoss, B&R, ABB, Honeywell, Fraunhofer, TU Dresden, OTH-AW National cooperation with CTU and UWB Cooperation with companies abroad is more intensive than cooperation with Czech companies Preparations for new regional center for SMEs support are under way in cooperation with South-Moravian Innovation Centre
12 Challenges in education Industry 4.0 in Czech Republic is just starting, but the technological change already started What should be the focus of studies? Deep knowledge of technologies and underlying theory (developers of technologies) Knowledge of the technologies and their properties (application engineers) Knowledge of selected products (technicians) Study programs already contain most of the needed topics, optimization needed New study programs on national level expected
CEITEC BUT c/o Brno University of Technology Purkyňova 123, CZ Brno Czech Republic |