Regional Haze SIP Template: Mobile Sources Edie Chang California Air Resources Board WESTAR Fall Technical Conference September 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Haze SIP Template: Mobile Sources Edie Chang California Air Resources Board WESTAR Fall Technical Conference September 2002

Mobile Sources 308 v : States/Tribes should consider “all anthropogenic sources of visibility impairment,” including mobile sources, in long-term strategy 309: –States/Tribes must determine whether mobile source emissions “significantly” impact visibility in Class I areas; if “yes” State/Tribe must limit mobile source emissions of VOC, SO 2, NOx, EC, OC & PM2.5 to their lowest levels between 2003 & 2018 State/Tribe must develop a tracking system to report annual mobile source emissions –States/Tribes must update EPA on status of adopted regional and local strategies recommended by GCVTC

WRAP Mobile Source Activities Emission Inventory –Improve road dust activity factors (moved to R&D) –Develop mobile source inventories for WRAP-neighbors Definition of “Significance” –WRAP considering three possible definitions; decision pending modeling runs Controls –Status report on regional & local mobile source controls –Guidance for emission reductions from existing nonroad mobile sources –Smart growth toolkit and workshop Tracking –Developing web-based tracking system

Are Your Mobile Sources Significant? MSF Preliminary Recommendation Considers on- & off-road engine emissions, evaporative emissions, and tire & brake wear Three alternatives: –Cumulative impact from all 9 states –Individual area alternative #1 Must show 1 dV of impact to be significant –Individual area alternative #2 Must show 0.1 dV of impact to be significant Evaluate three alternatives using modeling for reasonableness Final recommendation expected by end of summer

Cumulative Impact Alternative WRAP would assess cumulative impact of mobile sources in 9-state transport region on parks –If cumulative impact is < 1 dV, than any area responsible for 0.5 dV is deemed “significant” –If cumulative impact is > 1 dV, than any area responsible for 0.1 dV is deemed “significant” MSF anticipates cumulative impact > 1 dV –Unclear if any 309 areas will be > 0.1 dV

Regional Haze SIP Template Updates Needed Current status of emission inventory Current status of tracking system Significance -- definition and results of analysis Status of regional and local strategies recommended by the GCVTC