Do you work or just teach? Career perspectives in EFL Rubens Heredia Cultura Inglesa São Paulo
2 Do you work or just teach? The Land The Destination The Route
3 The Land
The Market Most sought-after skills Critical thinking; Complex problem-solving; Judgment and decision-making; Active listening. (2012) 4 Do you work or just teach?
21st Century Skills Source: 5 Do you work or just teach?
6 The Destination
What is your vocation? 7 Do you work or just teach? Course design Methodology; Language; Course books; Digital literacy; Market trends; Corporate culture and values.
What is your vocation? Teacher Training Extensive teaching experience; Teaching qualification (diploma); Commitment to learning; Language systems; Methodologies and SLA; People skills. 8 Do you work or just teach? Beaven (2004)
What is your vocation? Writing Methodology and language; Familiarity with course books/materials; Market trends; Who’s whom; Experience as reviewer/presenter; Sample material; Writing skills. 9 Do you work or just teach?
What is your vocation? Management The market; Management qualification (MBA, IDLTM, DELTM, DELTA); Budgeting and financial skills; Interpersonal skills/conflict management; Customer relations; HR and labour law; Teaching; Corporate culture, values and processes. 10 Do you work or just teach?
What is your vocation? Teaching 11 Do you work or just teach?
12 The Route
Where to work Orientation on arrival A mentor system Experienced academic management team In-house training A lesson observation system Clear policies and procedures An appraisal system Opportunity to do external courses A wide and varied curriculum Low teacher turnover Opportunities for internal promotion Rimmer (2011) 13 Do you work or just teach?
The KASA framework Knowledge Language Teaching Learners Workplace Freeman (1989) 14 Do you work or just teach? Awareness Reflection Feedback Strengths Weaknesses Skill Teachniques Methods Activities Attitude Self-direction Positivity Professionalism
Needs assessment Lesson recording; Peer feedback; Learners’ feedback; Lesson observations; Reflection upon action. 15 Do you work or just teach? KASA
The Self-Reflection Continuum The Unaware Stage The Conscious Stage The Action Stage The Refinement Stage Hall & Simeral (2008) 16 Do you work or just teach? KASA
Getting Certification Language CAE CPE TOEFL IELTS Teaching CELTA ICELT DELTA Anaheim TESOL Anaheim YLS 17 Do you work or just teach? Post-graduation MA PhD KASAKASA
Beyond mainstream courses In-house courses; SIGs; Workshops; Conferences; Literature; Self-reflection. 18 Do you work or just teach? KASAKASA
What about the other A? 19 Do you work or just teach? KASA
21st Century Skills Source: 20 Do you work or just teach? Life and Career Skills Adaptability to change; Flexibility; Goals and time-management; Independence; Self-direction. KASA
Take responsibility 21 Do you work or just teach? KASA
22 Do you work or just teach? The Land The Destination The Route
References Andersen, E. (2012) ‘The 4 job skills most likely to land you a great job’, retrieved from last accessed on March 31st, Beaven, B. ‘From teacher to teacher trainer’ English Teaching professional Clandfield, L. ‘Career steps to becoming a materials writer’ on ELT Link Up. retrieved from Freeman, D. ‘Teacher training, development and decision making: a model of teaching and related strategies for language teacher education’ Tesol Quarterly 23 (1) 1989). Hall, A. & Simeral, A. (2008) Building teachers’capacity for success: a collaborative approach for coaches and school leaders. Alexandria: ASDC. Leather, S. & Hockley, A. ‘Getting into ELT management’ English Teaching profesisonal Rimmer, W. ‘Getting ahead in ELT’ English Teaching professional
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