ELA Bonnie Albertson More….matching CCSS to DE standards 1
Next Steps for Teaching and Learning 2 Essential Question: How are DE ELA Prioritized Curriculum and the ELA Common Core State Standards aligned?
3 Reading Standards for Literature Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Reading Standards for Informational text Standard 2 Standard 3 Foundational Skills Standard 2 Standard 1 Writing Standards [Informative, Persuasive/Argumentative, Narrative] Standard 1 Standard 3 Standards for Speaking and Listening Standard 1 Language Standards Standard 1 Standard 2 CCSS Anchor Standards and Delaware Standards
Terms…. 4 COMMON COREDELAWARE Strands: 1.Reading Literature Informational Text Foundational Skills (K- 5) 2.Writing 3.Speaking/Listening 4.Language Standards: 1.Composing Written Oral 2.Reading 3.Research 4.Literature CCR [College/Career Readiness] Anchor Standards Performance Indicators [PIs] Grade Specific StandardsGLEs
More Terms…. 5 Topics: Reading Literary/Informational: Key Ideas & Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range and Level of Text Complexity Foundations (K-5) Print Concepts Phonological Awareness Phonics and Word Recognition Fluency Writing Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build Knowledge Range of Writing Speaking/Listening Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Language Conventions in Writing and Speaking Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Topics: Delaware does not really have “topics;” however, here are some possible parallels – 1.Written and Oral Communication Purposes: Informative, Persuasive, Expressive Development Organization Word Choice/Style Sentence Structure Conventions 2.Reading Determining Meaning Interpreting Meaning Extending Meaning Connecting to Self 3.Research 4.Literature Determining Meaning Interpreting Meaning Extending Meaning Connecting to Self
Anticipation Guide True/False: The secondary “match” between CCSS standards and DE PIs is stronger than the elementary match. True/False: The weakest match between CCSS grade level standards and DE GLEs can be found at grade True/False: The strongest match between CCSS grade level standards and DE GLEs can be found at grade 5 Which of the content strand(s) has/have some kind of a “weak” match – literature, informational, reading foundations, writing, speaking/listening, language? Which of the content strand(s) has/have the strongest match – literature, informational, reading foundations, writing, speaking/listening, and/or language? 6
ELA Common Core State Standards Analysis 7 100% It doesn’t get any better than that!
8 K Exc.71%65%79%88%90%92%97% 96% Good26%35%21%10%9%4%3%2%4% Weak3%1% CCSS match to DE PIs
Grade Level match between GLEs and CCSS grade level indicators 9 K CC standard appears before it does in DE 18%11%4%3%1%0% CC standard appearing after it does in DE 0%21%1%2% 0% Same82%68%95% 98%99%
CCSS match within content strands – 10 ELA strandsExcellentGoodWeak Literature91%9% Informational94%5% Reading Foundations (K-5) 75%25% Writing100%0 Speaking & Listening 98%2% Language76%22%2%
Anticipation Guide True/False: The secondary “match” between CCSS standards and DE PIs is stronger than the elementary match. True/False: The weakest match between CCSS grade level standards and DE GLEs can be found at grade 4 (it’s Kindergarten) True/False: The strongest match between CCSS grade level standards and DE GLEs can be found at grade 5 Which of the content strand(s) has/have some kind of a “weak” match – literature, informational, reading foundations, writing, speaking/listening, language? Which of the content strand(s) has/have the strongest match – literature, informational, reading foundations, writing, speaking/listening, and/or language? 11