INTRODUCTION The teachers in Grade 4 are: Ms. Ambreen (Grade 4 Rockies) – Team Leader Mr. Wael (Grade 4 Amazon) Ms. Shaima & Ms Saira (Islamic Studies) Ms. Samira & Ms Amani (Arabic Language) Ms. Rania (Arabic for non-Arabic speakers) Ms. Hiba (Arabic Social Studies) Ms. Marissa (Music), Mr. Babu (PE), Ms. Anna (ICT), Ms. Krishna (Art)
ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY Children arrive between 7:30-7:45 am Registration-7:45 am Assembly – 7:50 am In the morning, children come to class, get organised, complete morning work and stay in class until 7:50 am. At 7:50 am they are taken down for assembly Attendance and lateness are monitored on a monthly basis and a report given to the Principal It is very important that children are on time.
HEALTHY SNACK BREAK AND LUNCH Snack break: 9:05 – 9:15am. Healthy snacks to send to school are pieces of fruit or a selection of raw vegetables (carrots, cucumber etc.), cereal bar, cup of yoghurt or a small sandwich Lunch break: Children have 20 minutes to eat lunch before going to playground. Please do NOT send chocolate, crisps, candies, or fries. Fizzy drinks are NOT allowed. It is very important to keep hydrated. Children should bring a water bottle that they can use in the classroom and also to take outside for break time and PE. Please provide a cap for sun protection.
CORE CURRICULUM Reading – children will develop word attack skills, build fluency and comprehension through shared, guided and independent reading. A reading passport scheme will be started shortly. Please listen to your child read for mins daily and take time to fill the reading passport. Writing – children will gain confidence as writers through a range of genres including narrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive. Big Write takes place fortnightly. Spellings are done on a weekly basis. Spelling list sent on Sunday followed by an informal spelling test on Thursday Mathematics – develop a range of mental strategies with formal& informal recordings Science – Life Science, Physical Science & Earth Science Arabic, Islamic Studies, Arabic Social Studies
ADDITIONAL CURRICULUM SUBJECTS Social Studies – studied through a cross curricular thematic approach PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) Art ICT (Information Computer Technology) PE (Physical Education) Music
COMMUNICATION Teachers can be contacted by various methods: School telephone School website It is very important that we have up to date contact details including parents’ mobile numbers/ emergency numbers which should be accessible at all times Due to teaching commitments, teachers are unable to meet with parents during school hours. Formal appointments can be made to speak to a teacher after school. Teachers are available to speak to parents informally at the end of the school day during pick up time
HOMEWORK PLANNERS Children have now received their homework planners Usually, homework consists of one subject activity plus 15 minutes of reading. Parents should ensure that their child has completed their homework and 15 minutes reading (ideally listen to them) and then sign the diary. Homework MUST be handed in the following day – a record is kept
ASSESSMENT Continual assessment of children is built into planning and takes place throughout the year. This is done through observations, class participation and homework record. Children are constantly given verbal and written feedback on their work through which they gain understanding of how to improve their work. Science - end of unit test (every half term) Math – half term assessment of the topics covered every six weeks, mental math test done on a weekly basis Reading and writing assessment - once every term
TRIPS, VISITS, CLUBS & EVENTS There will be a range of visits, trips, visitors to school and workshops running throughout the year Extra-curricular activities will take place throughout the year and will run straight after school finishes A variety of fundraising events and special events will take place throughout the year
COMING TO SCHOOL Children should wear the correct uniform/PE kit including correct footwear They should bring their lunch box, healthy snack, water bottle plus a small bag for school essentials Please do not send large bags or trolley bags A book list and stationery list has been provided – please ensure your child has everything they need. All extras should be kept at home.
INVOLVING PARENTS Teachers often need additional help (preparing resources, school trips, assistance with listening to children read and organising special events). If you are interested in becoming a class helper please let us know the time and days that you would like to come and help.
QUESTION TIME Please feel free to ask us any questions about the content of today’s presentation and take a look at some of the resources used in Grade 4 Please note that this is not a one to one meeting about your child. NOTE: Please inform the school regarding any health issues of your child. Documentation has been sent home by the school