Changing Contexts for Waste Water Treatment and Solid Waste Management
David Eberle Idaho Power Company Rates & Contracts Adjunct Professor Regulatory & Environmental Economics Corporate Director Real Estate & Manufacturing Consultant Asset Management, TIF, DIF, CIPs, URDs Commissioner Capital City Urban Renewal District Community Infrastructure District Council Member Boise City Council Director, Environmental Finance Center
A World Under Stress
Human Numbers: A.D Human Numbers: 1927 Human Numbers: 1999 Human Numbers: 2050 Are we an invasive species? Can you identify the pattern?
Correlation with population and climate change
What Does This Mean for Local Communities and Operators? More Stringent Regulations More Expensive Inputs Economic Instability Intergenerational Conflicts How Should Local Communities and Operators Respond?
Impact One: The Governmental Budget Landscape Health & Human Services EPA Interest Defense
Financial Capacity Dashboards
Impact Two – Climate Change Global warming raises snow line increasing the surface area for water runoff increasing flooding Climate variability increases the severity of any one storm event
Disaster Preparedness and Infrastructure Resilience/Resistance
Impact Three: The New Regulatory Landscape Sustainable Cities Green Infrastructure NPDES Quantifiable TMDLs Environmental Justice Hazardous waste stream Market Based Policies Nutrient Trading Air Quality 2.5 PM Release of metals (mercury)
THE PROBLEM: Limited resources, impaired surface water quality, hazardous waste streams, new regulations, and changing climate The current approach has not worked and is becoming ever more expensive
Land use Air Quality Retail Trade Forestry Recreation Mining Agriculture Transportation H20 Resources Human Habitat Institutional Support Legal Framework National State Districts Local Manufacturing Integrated Spatial Planning Solutions on How to Pay for the New Context
Back to The Future: Where By-Products Are Profit Centers Biosolids for production of alfalfa Extraction of struvite for fertilizer Combined heat and power anaerobic digesters for plant power Offset trades with agriculture as a cost minimization strategy
Road Blocks to Successful Implementation Councils Regulatory Indecision Poor financial management Economic recessions
Getting Your Board Council Or Members To Plan For The Future
Educating Your Customers
Working With Your Legislative Delegation
What Does The Future Hold? Will we raise taxes or cut spending? Will new regulations bury small communities? Will we grow out of the recession? Will the world events hold US economy hostage? Will global warming overwhelm us? Only Zelda knows
Thank you David Eberle Environmental Finance Center Boise State University (208)