TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA Progress on ASTON EoI after the OPTIMIST meeting …..
TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA FP6 Research Networking Testbeds are part of FP6 IST programme Addressed by 2 nd IST Call in summer 2003 Deadline fall 2003 Projects to start mid 2004 Available budget M Eur
TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA Position wrt GÉANT ASTON fits with the future needs of GÉANT work on 40 Gbps line-speed point-to-point, 10 GE over long distance, simple layer2 provisioning (routed and switched), Bandwidth-on-demand (flexible partitioning, provisioning, GMPLS testing), integrated IP and Optical management
TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA EoIs relevant to ASTON EoI with similar objectives were submitted by PSNC Cisco Juniper Alcatel ATRIUM2 They all would like to join ASTON
TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA assets mailing TF-NGN Optical Networking sub group Progresses on BoD braistorming Progress on long distance experience with fibers 40+Gbps … People willing to lead activities Contacts with carriers, providers, manufacturers (IP and optical)
TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA activities People willing to lead activities BoD: Michal 40 Gbit/s: Mauro 10 GE: Stanislav TF-NGn activity: Victor
TF-NGN 9 Budapest Oct 2002Valentino Cavalli, TERENA How to progress further Leaders find volunteers and produce workplans for optical activities in TF-NGN –Capitalise on the brainstorming been done so far in TF-NGN and ASTON –Look for collaboration from DANTE, NRENs Universities, vendors, carriers etc. –Define who does what –New GÉANT deliverables? Be ready for FP6 opportunities in 1 st or 2 nd call