Precarious work “Forms and manifestation of precarious work in the construction” Budapest, 22 November 2011 Werner Buelen, European Federation of Building and Woodworkers
EFBWW Some key figures: 73 affiliated trade unions in 31 countries 2,3 mio. direct members Established in 1958 ETUC member Recog. European Soc. Partner: – construction – Wood, furniture – Forestry Key activities: – EU-labour market – Health and safety – EWC – Voc. training – Internal coordination CB
Due to typical features, precarious work is (unfortunately) quite common in the construction industry. Some typical characteristics of the industry are: It’s labour intensive production; High percentage of low or no skilled workers; Increased occupational health and safety risks; Tight deadlines and very flexible production; Lowest price instead of quality driven; … What is standard work vs precarious work ?
Due to rapid chances precariousness is increasing. Fierce competition amongst companies and workers has risen due to: Globalisation and migration; Changing production system; Impact of Financial crisis; Worsening of industrial relations; Competition amongst companies and workers; Austerity measures; Flexicurity debate; Europe 2020 Strategy (75% of people aged in work) …
Have we reached a momentum were precarious work, has become standard work? Within the construction industry, the classic standard work, is quite uncommon.
Forms and manifestations of precarious work. The forms and manifestations of precarious work is UNLIMMIED : Temporary agency workers; False self-employed, economically dependent workers, …; Self-employed; Part-time workers; Fixed-term employments contract; Student/young workers contracts; Hybrid forms of employment; Posted workers; Seasonal workers; Unemployed; Full or partial undeclared workers; 0/1/2 hour contracts; Undocumented workers; Regular workers; …
Existing trade union approaches towards precarious work: - Combat the causes (lowest cost, evasion tolerance, …); - Defend basic principles (law); - Push for negotiation (industrial relations, trade union repr., …) - Clearly define unacceptable forms (ILO, EU Charter, …); - Set limitations to the acceptance of flexibility; - Establishing controlling mechanisms (inspections); - strengthening enforcement (sanctions); - solidarity amongst workers (organizing, strikes,..); - …
We all acknowledge the problem, we all know what needs to be done, but we are unable to do it. Why are we unable to stop precarious work? Have we done anything wrong or are we doing anything wrong?
So, what should we do?
EFBWW action on defining the universal principle of equal treatment, equal rights, equal pay and equal protection.
Werner Buelen +32 (0) (ext. 45) Thank you for your attention Questions / remarks