PMUni Workshop Roland Gareis PROJEKTMANAGEMENT GROUP ESC Lille, August 18th, 2008
Objectives Observing and reflecting on different project management schools and research paradigms, presented at the ESC Lille Workshop Networking Reporting on status of PMUni Close-down research project: PM education mature Planning PMUni workshops in Budapest and at Bond University Planning future cooperations
Schedule: August 18th Welcome The Optimization School Optimization School in practice PhD presentations Research paradigm Lunch, PMUni participants meet for a welcome The Modelling School Modelling School in practice PhD presentations Research paradigm PMUni Coordination Meeting Status of the network Information about next PMUni workshops Open topics & questions
Schedule: August 19th The Success School Success School in practice PhD presentations Research paradigm Lunch The Governance School Governance School in practice PhD presentations Research paradigm PMUni Reflection Meeting Reflection on different PM schools and research paradigms
PMUni : Next Steps (based on WS May 25th) Follow-up PMUni Workshop in Vienna by Facilitator Finalising PMUni Homepage –Submitting last partner profiles for PMUni homepage by partners –Entering last PMUni partner profiles and adapting content –Linking PMUni homepage to partners homepages Producing PMUni folder, PMUni slides etc. Planning PMUni Lille Workshop Planning PMUni Workshop and Board Meeting in Budapest
PMUni : Measures
PMUni : Status Membership 13 PMUni partners: –12 signed statutes/cooperation agreements + paid fees –2 cooperations in progress: Bond University; Technological Education Institue Larissa, Greece 2 new interested institutions: –National Poly Technical University St. Petersburg, Russia –Nizhny Novogorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Info Services: PMUni Homepage
PMUni : Homepage Progress –Meeting with Jana Sujanova (STU) in order to take over the lead in hosting the website by PMG –Agreement: PMG takes care of content facilitation while technical facilitation remains with STU Performance changes –“Members only“ area established –Content adaptions completed –Updates implemented –Bugs reduced -> usability increased
PMUni : Homepage Still missing... –Upload of different documents (presentations, newsletters, final report,...) –Partner profiles STU and Univ. of Limerick still not uploaded –Content of “Members only“ area not uploaded Follow up –Input of PMUni partners (content: news, events, projects, publications,...) –Changes performed by STU –Follow-up meeting with Jana Sujanova in autumn in order to resolve outstanding issues (e.g. uploading different documents)
pm education mature
PMUni Workshop Budapest Date –24th – 25th November 2008 Venue –Budapest, University Agenda –2nd PMUni Board Meeting –?
PMUni Workshop Bond University Date Venue –Bond, University Agenda –?
Future PMUni Research Activities Sectoral process & project management Process and project management in SMEs Project management for EU projects Knowledge management in the process and project-oriented company Benchmarking of project-oriented companies Tool kit to market project management to not project-oriented companies
Future PMUni Quality Management Activities Analysing and benchmarking of education and research programmes Development of standards for education and research Exchange of lecturers, students Training of teachers, lecturers
Happy Projects! Roland Gareis