European Commission Directorate-General Communication The European Year of Volunteering 2011 —Update—


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The European Year of Volunteering 2011 —Update—

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The full title of the Year is … “The European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship (2011)” Council Decision of 27 November

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Why is volunteering important? 3

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Intercultural Dialogue Inter- religious Dialogue Integration of migrants Active citizenship Environmental protection Learning opportunities Improves employability Active ageing Solidarity Builds up European identity Social inclusion Promotes human rights 4

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Lots of policy areas! 5 Culture Human Rights Humanitarian Aid Environmental protection Consumer protection Equal opportunities Education & Training Sport Social inclusion Employment

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Volunteering is important! Imagine a world without volunteers… 6

European Commission Directorate-General Communication How does the Commission define ‘Volunteering’? Our 'definition' is purposefully broad-brushed –Because of different traditions and cultural attitudes to volunteering in the EU ‘Volunteering’ refers to all types of voluntary activity, whether formal, non-formal or informal, and which are undertaken of a person’s own free will, choice and motivation, without concern for financial gain

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Key facts 8

Directorate-General Communication European Commission 94 million people 23% of EU citizens > 15 years old 9

European Commission Directorate-General Communication What is the volunteering landscape in Europe like today? 94 million people, or 23% of Europeans aged 15 and older engage in some form of voluntary activity The typical volunteer is : –30 to 50 years old, –in employment, and –well-educated (higher education and beyond), –male (males outnumber female volunteers in 11 Member States, and are roughly equal in number in a further 9 countries). Sport attracts the most volunteers, followed by volunteering in the social sector, aid to the disadvantaged, and the health sector.

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Big differences between the EU’s Member States – culture, laws & measurement of volunteering varies across countries > 40% UK SWE NL AUT < 10% BG GR IT LT 11

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The European Volunteer Measurement Project Aim: Adoption by Member States of the ILO’s Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work Target: Adoption by 10 – 15 EU Member States by end 2011 Participants in the project: –SPES – Italian Volunteer Support Centre for the Lazio Region –Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies –European Volunteering Centre (‘CEV’)

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Reminder: What does the Year hope to achieve? The Year has four objectives: 1.To foster an enabling environment for volunteering in the EU 2.To empower volunteer organisations and improve the quality of volunteering 3.To reward and recognise volunteering activities 4.To raise awareness of the value and importance of volunteering

European Commission Directorate-General Communication What is the budget for the Year? € 3 million for Preparatory Actions in 2010 € 8 million for the Year itself + other sources (Commission funding programmes, etc…)

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The European Commission’s strategic partners for EYV 2011 ‘The EYV 2011 Alliance’ of 37 v ing networks — the voice of the v ing sector in EU –The European Commission supports the EYV 2011 Alliance financially (€400,000 action grant) –Consults & collaborates closely with them The ‘National Coordination Bodies’ (NCBs) –Responsible for preparing and implementing activities for the Year in their country –Addresses of the NCBs are here: citizenship/doc1069_en.htm

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Strategic partners.. Inter-service Cooperation inside the Commission (DG EAC, ECHO, Eurostat, EMPL, ENTR, etc) Inter-institutional & International Cooperation (European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, United Nations, Council of Europe, etc)

European Commission Directorate-General Communication What are the main elements of the European Commission’s communication campaign? Common slogan ("Volunteer! Make a Difference") and logo Four EU-level thematic conferences Communication toolbox - free to use (videos, leaflets, promotional items, posters) Official website: The EYV ‘Tour’ & journalists’ relay

European Commission Directorate-General Communication Four EU-level thematic conferences 1.8 January 2011: Official launch event for the Year, in Budapest. ½ day conference on 'recognition of volunteering' (= third objective of the year). 200 participants May 2011: A celebration of the volunteer. 2 days. 350 invitees, in Brussels November 2011: Topic: 'empowering volunteering organisations'. 1½ days, 250 participants, in Athens. 4.Early December 2011: Closing conference of the Year, in Warsaw. 1½ days, 250 participants. Largely a policy- oriented conference. Date tbc

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The EYV 2011 Tour so far 1. Brussels: 3 – 12 December 2010  Successful launch event, involving all 3 language communities  Commission Rep involved Location not particularly visible (near central train station), but looked good ‘on paper’ Freezing weather did not help Not many visitors – mainly commuters on their way to catch a train

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The EYV 2011 Tour so far 2. Budapest: 8 – 14 January 2011  President of Hungary involved  Huge media attention  Prominent indoor location (Millenaris Theatre)  5,200 visitors, 71 organizations  Commission Rep involved

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The EYV 2011 Tour so far 3. Vienna: 25 – 27 January  Presence of Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. Rudolf Hundstorfer  Good media attention  Prominent location (Vienna’s City Hall)  Commission Rep involved

European Commission Directorate-General Communication The EYV 2011 Tour so far 4. Lisbon: 3 – 9 February  Presence of two Ministers and four First Ladies!  ca. 3,000 visitors  Huge media attention  Prominent location (Fórum Picoas)  Commission Rep involved

European Commission Directorate-General Communication More Information The ‘official’ website: – EYV Task Force team members: 23

Volunteer! Make a difference