Where can I find data on cancer? Victoria H Coupland London Knowledge and Intelligence Team 20 February 2014
2Cancer Introduction
4 Two million living with or beyond cancer 331,487 cancer cases, 2011, UK 54% breast, lung, prostate and bowel 29% of men & 33% of women diagnosed with lung cancer in 2010 survived one year 36% of cancers in UK are diagnosed in people over 75 ( )
Where do these cancer data come from and why are they collected? 5Cancer
6 Why collect this data? 1945 First voluntary registry for the South-Western region England 1948 Second voluntary registry in Liverpool 2007 Cancer reform strategy NCIN 1995 Calman–Hine report, first comprehensive cancer report in the UK Improving outcomes: a strategy for cancer 2013 Five year cancer commissioning strategy for London Improving Outcomes Guidance for various cancer types 2 nd report 3 rd report 2000 NHS cancer plan
Recent changes in cancer registration in England 7Cancer Before April regional cancer registries in England Since April 2013 Registration function has transferred to the National Cancer Registration Service (NCRS), Public Health England
8Cancer Single England wide system known as ENCORE Currently contains over 13,000,000 tumours
ENCORE 9Cancer Consistent recording of data across England from multiple sources Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Hospital Episode Statistics Office for National Statistics / NHS Central Register Patient Administrative System (PAS) Cancer Screening Cancer waiting times (CWT) Multidisciplinary team (MDT) Pathology
What about the rest of the UK and Ireland? 10Cancer English cancer data combined with data from cancer registries in… Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Ireland Allows for UK wide analysis
What information is routinely available? 11Cancer
12Cancer Source: Cancer e-atlas Lung cancer incidence Who? When? Where? Average number of new cases per year and age-specific incidence rates, all cancers, UK Lung cancer incidence, , men and women Source - NCIN data briefing
What proportion survive 5 years after diagnosis? 13Cancer Five-year relative survival for adults diagnosed followed-up 2010 England
How many? 14Cancer UK 2 million living with or beyond cancer in 2010 Could possibly rise to 4 million by 2030
How many die from cancer? 15Cancer Deaths from cancer by sex and country between 2008 & 2010 UK
Where can I find this information? 16Cancer
Public Health England: Data and Knowledge gateway 17Cancer
Cancer e-atlas 18Cancer
Cancer e-atlas 19Cancer
Public Health England: Data and Knowledge gateway 20Cancer
Prevalence e-atlas 21Cancer
Public Health England: Data and Knowledge gateway 22Cancer
23Cancer Population / cases / incidence and mortality rates One- and five-year survival Screening coverage – breast / cervical Referrals – two week wait Cancer wait compliance – 31 day, 62 day Change in mortality in last decade Profiles available through the Cancer Commissioning Toolkit (CCT)
Public Health England: Data and Knowledge gateway 24Cancer Cancer specific profiles, e-atlas, hub (Varying geographies – CN, SHA, LA) Gynaecological Head and Neck Skin cancer Urological cancer
Public Health England: Data and Knowledge gateway 25Cancer
Mortality profiles 26Cancer Source:
Where can I find more information? 27Cancer Office for National Statistics ( Health & Social Care Information Centre: Indicator portal ( Cancer Research UK ( Macmillan ( National Cancer Intelligence Network ( Including information on routes to diagnosis ( Report “What cancer statistics are available, and where can I find them?” (
What about international information? 28Cancer International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) ( Including cancer incidence in 5 continents Globocan ( CRUK: recently released interactive global maps of incidence and mortality Eurocare – cancer survival in Europe (
Summary Where these cancer data come from What information is available Where this information can be found 29Cancer
Thank you 30Cancer
The following slides are for reference only and will not form part of the main presentation 31Cancer
What can we do with the cancer data collected? 32Cancer
What can we do with the cancer data collected? 33Cancer
What cancer statistics are available, and where can I find them? “This document aims to provide an overview about cancer statistics, including information on the latest statistics publicly available and where to find them.” Report by NCIN Last updated in December Cancer Source: Where can I find this information?
NCIN Site Specific Clinical Reference Groups 35Cancer 12 groups concentrating on specific cancer types London KIT lead for lung cancer and upper gastrointestinal cancers Groups made up from clinicians, peer review, audit, charities, and consumer representatives Peer-reviewed journal articles, reports, data briefings