-1- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) Instrumentation for the MICE Coupling Coil Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Lab February 29, 2012 MICE Coupling Coil Cryostat Design Review Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
-2- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) K-300K temperature: 25 ea 40K-300K temperature: 34 ea Level gauge: 2 ea in LHe reservoir (1 spare) Pressure transducer: 1 ea Pressure gauges: 2 ea Heater: located on cold mass ID Voltage taps: 13 pairs Flow meter: 1 ea on GHe return line at room temperature Instrumentation Plan for the MICE Coupling Coil
-3- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) Measurement in the range of 3.5K-300K -Lakeshore CERNOX RTD temperature sensors (CX-1010 model) with the CU (4-wire) package -25 each (T01-T025) total with 5 for redundancy at key points (at both ends of HTS leads and on lower cold mass) -3 feedthroughs with 32 pins each Measurement in the range of 40K-300K -Lakeshore CERNOX RTD temperature sensors (CX-1010 model) with the CU (4-wire) package -34 each (T1-T34) total -4 feedthroughs with 32 pins each and 1 feedthrough with 19 pins Some temperature sensor locations are based on cold mass and thermal shield simulations Sensor mounting and thermal anchoring of the sensor leads will follow vendor instructions Temperature sensors: CX-1010-CU-1.4L Coupling Coil Temperature Sensors
-4- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) Tower Area Instrumentation 1 st and 2 nd stage cryocooler temperatures 1 st stage copper plate temperatures Temperatures at heat intercepts on 1 st stage copper plate Temperatures at both ends of HTS leads Helium system pressure at vent lines
-5- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) Cold mass mandrel bore temperatures LHe reservoir and lower cooling tube temperatures Temperatures at various points on cold mass supp’ts Radiation shield temperatures at various locations Shield temperatures at cold mass support heat intercepts Cold Mass and Shield Instrumentation
-6- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) Cernox sensors Elec-insulated from the leads Located on cold sink Heater 3D Layout of Temperature Sensors
-7- Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Li Wang (SINAP) All calibrated Cernox temperature sensors 3D Layout of Shield Temperature Sensors