The Windbreakers Team Members: David Freestate, Kyle Elich, Elle Cauthen and Nathan Carter Team Members: David Freestate, Kyle Elich, Elle Cauthen and Nathan Carter
Windmill Design Blades- The blades on our windmill have been cut from the propellers of an old box fan. Generator- Our windmill’s generator consists of a cluster of magnets ( 4 regular magnets and 6 rare Earth magnets) rotating inside a cardboard case wrapped in 30 gauge copper wire. Blades- The blades on our windmill have been cut from the propellers of an old box fan. Generator- Our windmill’s generator consists of a cluster of magnets ( 4 regular magnets and 6 rare Earth magnets) rotating inside a cardboard case wrapped in 30 gauge copper wire.
Mechanical Aspects Wind from the fan causes the blades and perpendicular rod to rotate, thus spinning the magnets in the generator.
Electrical Aspects 200 ft of 30 gauge copper wire is coiled around the cardboard case, producing electricity when the magnets are rotated.
Estimated Efficiency P theoretical = 0.5 ( air )(A)(v) 3 = 0.5 (1.29 kg/m 3 )(0.193 m 2 )(9.39 m/s ) 3 = 103 Watts P actual = V = (85.3 Amps )(0.7 volts )= 59.7 Watts P actua l 59.7 Watts = = = 58% P theoretical 103 Watts P=power, =rho, A=area, v=velocity, =current, V=voltage, =efficiency P theoretical = 0.5 ( air )(A)(v) 3 = 0.5 (1.29 kg/m 3 )(0.193 m 2 )(9.39 m/s ) 3 = 103 Watts P actual = V = (85.3 Amps )(0.7 volts )= 59.7 Watts P actua l 59.7 Watts = = = 58% P theoretical 103 Watts P=power, =rho, A=area, v=velocity, =current, V=voltage, =efficiency
Project Issues Construction Issues -Rotor supports -Weak cardboard casing Construction Issues -Rotor supports -Weak cardboard casing Design Issues -Type of generator - Proximity of magnets to wire Design Issues -Type of generator - Proximity of magnets to wire
Conclusions Overall, the concept of this project was very interesting. However proper execution was extremely difficult given our inexperience with electromagnetism and generators.