“The same way of thinking that got you into trouble won’t get you out of it.”
Environment Economic Society
Supply Side Demand Reduction Solutions: Insulation, Low energy lighting, energy efficient appliances. Supply Solutions: Grid level wind power and Building level PV, small scale and micro-CHP. Holistic Solutions: Advanced Control of Heating, Lighting, Ventilation, IT equipment, appliances and supply orientated solutions through Demand Side Response (DSR).
Paper Age PC Age Networking Age Mobile Age Ubiquitous Age Tablet Age? The Peripherals are Proliferating!
Demanded Power Time of day (hours) 0 24 Nuclear Wind
Radio Teleswitch Restricted Supply Unrestricted Supply
p/kW Time of Day Economy 7
p/kWh Time of Day 10 hour tariff
PV powered IT Network Efficiencies DC AC Inverter Transformers – AC to DC Losses `
Smart DC System for ICT Networks Renewable Source DC to DC Power Supply Unit Hub Load DC Gen Meter Risk, needs certification and expensive, or alternative settlement system Grid Back-up
First Priority Electricity Demand Reduction in Commercial and Public Buildings: There’s nothing Smart about metering on its own, it’s worth 2% reduction at best! Heating demand reduction is in full swing and is now getting huge results and will continue for 5 years+ The biggest demand reduction gains will be achieved in electricity, LED and OLED will lead this revolution although there will be some rebound effect. Procure energy efficient appliances and energy label all appliances and this will help remove cooling load too in buildings. Remove ac/dc convertor inefficiencies: When using demand side renewables and dc devices, ICT and lighting. Advanced Controls for matching electricity Supply and Demand. Use of batteries in UPS and in mobile devices to optimise Load curves for the mutual benefit of electricity suppliers and demand side renewables return on investment.