NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION 11 th NFSM-EC meeting (Date , New Delhi) NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION 11 th NFSM-EC meeting (Date , New Delhi) Department of Agriculture, Maharashtra State 1
CropRiceWheatPulses Districts covered 6833 Districts Nasik, Pune, Bhandara, Gondia, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli Ahmednagar, Aurangabad, Dhule, Nagpur, Nasik, Parbhani, Pune, Solapur All over Maharashtra National Food Security Mission 2
Cropwise Production Estimate of Principal Kharif crops during (As per Crop cutting experiment ) Sr. No. Crops Area (lakh ha)Production (lakh tonne)Productivity (kg/ha.) Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Second Adv. Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Second Adv. Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Second Adv. Esti Rice Kh.Jowar Bajra Ragi Maize Other Kh Cereals Kh Cereals Tur Mung Udid Other Kh Pulses Kh Pulses Kh Foodgrains Cont…….
Sr. No. Crops Area (lakh ha) Production (lakh tonne) Productivity (kg/ha.) Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Second Adv. Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Second Adv. Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Second Adv. Esti Groundnut Sesamum Nigerseed Sunflower Soyabean Other Kh.Oilseeds Kh.Oilseeds Sugarcane (Harvested) Cotton (Lint) Total kh. Crops Cropwise Production Estimate of Principal Kharif crops during (As per Crop cutting experiment )
5 Sr. No Crops Area in lakh haProduction in lakh tonneProductivity in Kg/ha Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Rabi Jowar Wheat Rabi Maize Other Rabi Cereals Rabi Cereals Gram Other Rabi Pulses Rabi Pulses Rabi Foodgrains Rabi Sesamum Safflower Rabi Sunflower Linseed Rapeseed & Mustard Rabi Oilseeds Rabi crops Cropwise Production Eye. Estimate of Principal Rabi crops during (As per State own assessment )
6 Sr. No Crops Area in lakh haProduction in lakh tonneProductivity in Kg/ha Normal (03-04 to ) Eye Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Summer Rice Summer Maize Summer Cereals Summer Groundnut Summer Sunflower Summer Oilseeds Summer crops Targets of Area, Production & Productivity for Summer Crop during for Summer Crop during
7 Sr. No Crops Area in lakh haProduction in lakh tonneProductivity in Kg/ha Normal (03-04 to ) Eye Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Normal (03-04 to 07-08) Eye Esti Cereals (Kh+Rb+Su) Pulses (Kh+Rb) Foodgrains (Kh+Rb+Su) Oilseeds (Kh+Rb+Su) Total Area Eye Estimate for Total Crop during
Comparative Productivity from to Rice (Area in 00 ha., Production 00 M.T., Yield in kg/ha.) Year NFSM DistrictsOther DistrictsState APYAPYAPY (Second esti.) % increase in over base Year ( ) 26% % % 8
Sr. No District (2 nd Esti.) 1Nashik Pune Bhandara Gondia Chandrapur Gadchiroli a) Total of NFSM Districts b) Total of Other Disticts Total of State (Productivity – Kg/ha) Districtwise comparative Productivity from to Rice
(Area in 00 ha., Production 00 M.T., Yield in kg/ha.) Year NFSM DistrictsOther DistrictsState APYAPYAPY (Eye esti.) % increase in over base Year ( ) % % % 10 Comparative Productivity from to Wheat
Sr. No District Eye Esti. 1Nashik Dhule Ahmednagar Pune Solapur Aurangabad Parbhani Nagpur a) Total of NFSM Districts b) Total of Other Disticts Total of State (Productivity – Kg/ha) Districtwise comparative Productivity from to Wheat
CropYear NFSM Dist.Non-NFSM Dist.Total AreaProd.YieldAreaProd.YieldAreaProd.Yield Total Pulses (Kharif + Rabi) (Area in 00 ha., Production 00 M.T., Yield in kg/ha.) Comparative Productivity from to Pulses
Sr. No. Crop Yield (Kg/ha.) % +/- (Over base year) (Base year) (2nd Eye Est.) (Kh-2nd & Rabi Eye Estimate) 1Tur Mung Udid Gram )Area under Blackgram and Greengram has been reduced due to delay in monsoon. 2)Productivity of Kharif-Pulses is affected due to moisture stress conditions in early crop growth stage. Cropwise comparative Productivity from to Pulses
National Food Security Mission (Rs. Lakh) Financial Statement 14 ParticularsRiceWheatPulsesA3P19+Pulses Add. Prgm Total Sanctioned Programme Last years Balance Funds released this year Total Funds available Expenditure(By December end) Exp. As Per Physical Achievement Anticipated Expenditure Amount to be released by GOI
Physical and Financial progress of NFSM – Rice (Rs. Lakh) Sr. No. InterventionsUnit PhysicalFinancial Target Achieve- ment TargetAchievement As per Physical 1 a) Cluster DemonstrationHa b) Cluster Demonstration of Hybrid Riceha Distribution of Seed a) Hybrid Rice seed Qtls b) HYVs SeedsQtls Plant and Soil Protection Management: a) Micro Nutrients Ha b) Plant Protection Chemical and Bio- agent Ha ConoweederNos Knap Sack SprayersNos Incentive For Pump SetsNos Laser land levelersNos Seed drillNos Multi-crop planterNos Power weederNos Cropping System Based TrainingNos P.M.T. & Other Misc. Expenses a) Disrict level (T.A.) b) State level (T.A.) Local Initiative Total
16 Rice- Demo Plot, Velha Block, Pune.
17 Rice- Demo Plot, Bhandara Dist.
(Rs. Lakh) Sr. No. InterventionsUnit PhysicalFinancial Target Achieve- ment Target Achieve- ment As per Physical 1 a) Cluster Demonstration Ha b) Assistance od Distribution of ) HYVs Seeds Qtls a) Micro Nutrients Ha b) Gypsum Ha c) Plant Protection Chemical and Bioagent Ha a) Knap Sack Sprayers Nos b) Rotavaters Nos Effective Water Application Tools- Pump Sets Nos Laser Land LevelersNos Seed DrillNos Cropping System Based Training Nos P.M.T. & Other Misc. Expenses a) Disrict level (T.A.) b) State level (T.A.) Local Initiative Total Physical and Financial progress of NFSM – Wheat
(Rs. Lakh) Sr. No. InterventionsUnit PhysicalFinancial Target Achieve- ment Target Achieve- ment As per Physical 1 Distribution of Certified Seeds. Qtl Cluster Demonstrations (of 100 ha. each) Nos MicronutrientsHa Lime/Gypsum/Sulphur 80% WDG Ha Assistance for Rhizobium Culture/PSB distribution Ha IPM Package.Ha Distribution of NPV.Ha Distribution of PP Chemicals Ha WeedicidesHa Knap Sack & Power Sprayers. Nos Multi crop planterNos Seed Drills.Nos Ridge Furrow PlantersNos RotavatorsNos Laser Land LevelersNos Physical and Financial progress of NFSM – Pulses Cont…
Sr. No. Interventions Unit PhysicalFinancial Target Achieve- ment Target Achieve- ment As per Physical 16 Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Rainguns Nos Incentive for Pump sets.Nos Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Nos Cropping system Based trainings (Four Sessions) Nos Miscellaneous Expenses relating to PMT a) District Level: Nos (T.A.) (b) State Level:32 (T.A.) Misc. expenses to state for other dist. Nos Local Initiatives (Activity-wise) Total (Rs. Lakh) 20 Physical and Financial progress of NFSM – Pulses
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (Rs. Lakh) Sr. No. Crop Sanctioned Programme by GOI Programme implemented by the State Expend- iture by the end of Dece. (Rs. lakh) Productivity achieved (Kg/ha.) No. of Blocks (1000 ha.) Financial (Per Block) Total Amt. No. of Blocks (500 ha.) Financial (Per Block) Total Amt. Demo Plot Control Plot 1Tur Mung Udid Total Kharif Gram Total kh.+ Rabi
A3P :-Demo Plot- Parbhani 22
23 A3P :-Demo Plot- Green gram
24 A3P :-Demo Plot- Pigeon pea
25 Special plan to achieve 19+ Million tonnes of Pulses production programme during Rabi (Rs. Lakh) Sr. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit PhysicalFinancial Target Achieveme nt Target Achieve- ment As per Physical 1 GramRs.6000/-per Qtl Lathyrus SativusRs.6000/-per Seed Distribution Micro-nutrientRs.500/-perHa Insitu-Moisture conservation Rs.1000/-perHa Intergrated Pest Management Rs. 1280/-perHa SulphurRs. 350/-perHa Total Funds Available Percentage
26 Lathyrus Sativus (Lakhodi) :- Demo. Plot
27 Lathyrus Sativus (Lakhodi) :- Demo. Plot
28 Lathyrus Sativus (Lakhodi) :- Demo. Plot
29 Gram:- Demo. Plot
30 Additional area coverage of Pulses during Rabi (Rs. Lakh) Sr. No. Component Cost norm Unit PhysicalFinancial Target Achieve- ment Target Achieve- ment As per Physical 1A3P block Rs lakh / block of 500 ha. each Nos Integrated Pest Management in Pigeon pea (Rs.750/- per Ha) Ha Total
Major focus given by the State. 1) Area expansion through double cropping in Paddy area :- -In Konkan Divison - under Gram crop: ha. -In Eastern Vidarbha Region under Lathyrus crop: – ha. 2) In Konkan 4200 qtls. of gram seed is distributed through Maharashtra state seed Corporation Akola & In Eastern Vidharbha districts 5450 qtls. of Lathyrus seed is distributed in paddy area through NSC. 3) Irrigation at critical crop stages 4) Full package demonstrations. 5) IPM. 31
Special initiatives taken Projectised approach in the implementation of NFSM since Some projects are for seed production. Convergence of schemes NFSM + RKVY + Mechanization + CROPSAP Demonstrations of “transplanting technology”in Pigeon pea(Bidar technology). Food Grain bazzars (Dhanya bazzars) for sale of cereals and pulses from directly farmers to costumers. Soil Health Mission:- - Nos. of Soil Health Card distributed to farmers:- 2,45,832 - Nos. of Village Fertility Index completed :
Status of Online submission of Progress Report at State/District level State level progress report is regularly submitted online. Rice, Wheat and Pulses- all districts level reports are submitted online upto March Quarterly reports of submitted online upto December
Sr. No. Crop Technical Assistant Technical Consultant Level Sanctioned post Present status Sanctioned post Present status 1 Paddy District State2220 Total Wheat District State2220 Total Pulses District State2210 Total Grand Total National Food Security Mission Appointment Status of Project Management Team
35 Concurrent Evaluation State department of Economics and Statistics conveyed inability to make concurrent Evaluation. Monitoring and Evaluation cell of department of Agriculture have given responsibility for this. Training of Field machinery completed. Actual work in progress.
36 Specific issues and suggestions Component of purchase of breeder seed & production of certified /foundation seed have been deleted by GOI from annual action plan since This is very important component & should be continued. Paddy transplanter instead of Multi-crop planter and Seed drill should be included in NFSM-rice.
37 Issues for discussion CropCost of seed/kg Present norms % Subsidy on actual basis Pigeon pea 7550% of the cost or Rs.1200 / Rs.2200 (New varieties) per qtl whichever is less. i.e. 12Rs / 22 Rs. per kg 16% / 30 % Green gram 8750% of the cost or Rs.1200 / Rs.2200 (New varieties) per qtl whichever is less. i.e. 12Rs / 22 Rs. per kg 14% / 25 % Black Gram 8750% of the cost or Rs.1200 / Rs.2200 (New varieties) per qtl whichever is less. i.e. 12Rs / 22 Rs. per kg 14 % / 25 % Rs. 5/- per kg. or 50% of the cost, whichever is less. 17% Gram9050% of the cost or Rs.1200 / Rs.2200 (New varieties) per qtl whichever is less. i.e. 12Rs / 22 Rs. per kg 15% / 25 % For seed distribution subsidy of Rs. 4000/- per qtl or 50% of the cost whichever is less should be allowed for pulses and for rice & wheat subsidy should be increased upto Rs. 1500/- per qtl or 50% of the cost whichever is less. Cost norms are required to be revised as costs of various inputs are increased for example details of seed component are given below:-
Tur pest situation during & Major pest outbreak was observed in Nagpur division followed by Latur, Aurangabad and Amravati divisions during 47 th week of November to 52 th week of February. Major pest observed were Pod damage & Helicoverpa armigera.
Gram pest situation during & Major pest outbreak was observed in Amravati division followed by Nagpur, Aurangabad and Latur divisions during 52 th week of December to 4 th week of January. Major pest observed were Helicovera armigera & Gram wilt disease
41 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme - Kharif (Rs. Lakh) Total 134 blocks (Tur 67 block + Mung 36 block + Udid 31 block) Sr. No. ItemUnit Physical (MT/ Lit) Financial Financial Achievement as per Physical Achievement Target Achieve- ment Target Achieve- ment 1 Seed (Qtl.) (Qtl.) Tur Mung Udid Total GypsumM.T Zinc SulphateM.T Ferrous SulphateM.T Rhizobium CultureM.T PSB CultureM.T DAPM.T Light TrapNos Diamethoet 30 E.C.Lit N.A.A.Lit Micronutriant (Grade-1)Lit Micronutriant (Grade-2)Lit Value Addition Total Total
42 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme - Rabi (Rs. Lakh) Total 88 blocks of Gram Crop Sr. No. Item Rate per (QTL/MT/ Lit)) Physical (MT/ Lit) Financial Financial Achievement as per Physical Achievement Target Achieve- ment Target Achieve- ment 1 Seed Minikit (Qtl.) DAP (50% Subsidy) Zinc Sulphate Rhizobium Culture PSB Culture Thiaram + Carbondezim / Trichoderma Azadirectin 1500 P.P.M Emactin Benzyate (50% Subsidy) Micronutriant (Grade-1) Micronutriant (Grade-2) Verticilium Beveria Light Traps Value Addition Total