Electronic Banking 7.3
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer Banks ability to move money from one account to another by computer Advantages to Banks (Cost Savings) to Consumers (convenience) Quicker Less expensive than paper transactions Reduce chance of losing money Creates an electronic record of transactions
EFT Made through ATMs DD Debit Cards Online Banking
ATM’s Automated teller machine A means of transferring money electronically MUST have a PIN (Personal Identification Number) ATM Transactions: Deposits Withdrawals Costs
Using ATM’s Be responsible Be aware of surroundings
Uses of Electronic Funds Direct Deposit Employers deposit employees paycheck in account Debit Cards (Check cards) Electronic checks Funds subtracted from account immediately
Automatic Bill Payments By Phone Dial number and make transaction Confirmation number assigned to transaction Automatic Bill Payments Money deducted from account automatically Easy Pass
Online Banking Register with bank Pay bills on line Check account transactions
EFTA Electronic Funds Transfer Act Consumer Protection Law Banks required to inform customers of ETFs Banks must offer a receipt to verify each transaction Consumers Responsibilities Notification of lost card within 2 days ($50) Two days plus ($500) Two months—all losses
Try These 1. EFT is a movement of funds by electronic message from one computer to another 2. A PIN—Personal Id Number Prevents others from accessing your accounts
Try These 3. Advantages of ATMs --Convenient for consumer --Cost effective for banks (no tellers needed)
Try These 4. Use ATM carefully Be aware of surroundings Hide PIN when entering number Avoid unsafe places
Try These 5. A debit card is a card that allows funds to be transferred electronically from your checking account to a store’s account. 6. Automatic bill paying—your bank makes payments directly to specific businesses
Try These 8. ETFA protects consumers All fees associated with Electronic Funds Transfer must be stated A receipt must be offered for all transactions Consumers must notify bank if card is stolen