Presented during 16 th ICASA at Addis Ababa
Presentation Info Strategies for Risk Reduction in HIV Prevention 6 th Dec, :45-15:00pm Room: A5:Omo Abstract no. TUAD0803
Background Rape and more so gang rape is a serious human rights and public health issue in Kenya particularly in the slums. UNAIDS-1999 describes sexual violence as an important risk factor contributing towards vulnerability to HIV and AIDS.
Background cont’ The transmission of HIV after rape has received substantial attention over the past few years. Statistics shows rise in sexual violence, especially in the slums therefore need for PEP awareness is crucial
Background cont’ Internationally, there has been growing interest regarding the provision of PEP to reduce the risk of HIV infection following rape. In Kenya the policy to provide PEP after rape was implemented in public health services in December 2002
OBJECTIVES The overall goal of this survey was to assess prospects of PEP treatment in prevention of HIV infections in Mathare slum after rape
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To document HIV cases due to rape in Mathare slum To assess the perception and awareness of community members of Mathare slum on PEP To examine prospects of PEP
Justification: Mathare slum
JUSTIFICATION Due to social challenges gang rape cases are on the increase in Mathare slum. In order to reduce and curb such the whole community needs to be fully informed on PEP and the dangers of rape so as to bring about desired behavior change.
METHODOLOGY This survey was done in Mathare slum Kenya. It used triangulation methodology: Quantitative approach And qualitative research methods
Methodology cont’ 130 community members were interviewed in-depth interview was done to 8 key informants which were: in 1 VCT centre, 1 clinic, 1 hospital, police post and 1 organization handling gender based violence in Mathare slum. The key informants interviewed were: health workers, program officers and the area chief. Oral and in depth interview was conducted to 20 rape survivors.
Tools used: A questionnaire an interview guide focus group discussion guides Observation was done to unveil the non-verbal communication. Face to face interviews In depth interviews Observation
Data analysis Data was finally analyzed using SPSS and presented in tables and graphs. Data summarised and organized using descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendency and percentages
Result Among the people interviewed 10.4% had heard about PEP, while 89.6% hadn’t.
Result On the health institutions it was noted that: There is an unclear referral system in health institutions even though majority of the institutions offered free medical services
General Alarming Facts The youngest rape survivor in Kenya is one and a half months. The oldest rape survivor in Kenya is 86 years old. 102 male sexual violence survivors were treated at the Nairobi Women’s Hospital alone in the last three years.
Cont’ 2329 female sexual violence survivors were treated at the Nairobi Women’s Hospital alone in the last three years. Other serious offences such as murder, robbery and stealing by servants are less than half in number in the whole country as compared to sexual assault.
Cont’ Statistics, from Hospitals and Community Based Organizations approximate that there are at least rapes every year. This translates into a rape occurring every half an hour in Kenya.
Conclusion From the study it was apparent that few people had heard about PEP and majority of rape case survivors were infected with HIV/AIDS
Recommendations Awareness, information and education interventions informed by social considerations Considerations made for strategic gender needs when addressing practical needs of sexual violence survivors
Recommendation Infrastructure for service delivery to be put in place in the slums Policy and legislation on sexual violence strengthened
Ramula HIV Support Group under SOY
FINALY!!!!!!!! The fight on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment Continuous! We own, scale up and sustain it THANK YOU! ASANTE SANA!!!!