Let’s say you wanted to delete this page from the newsletter template
To delete a text box you have to click right on the box outlines- then press delete. You could go around the page and delete things this way, including the graphics and pictures. Or you could select all the objects on the page (see next slide) To delete a text box you have to click right on the box outlines- then press delete. You could go around the page and delete things this way, including the graphics and pictures. Or you could select all the objects on the page (see next slide)
From the View menu select toolbars>Drawing
Click on the select objects tool
From the upper corner, draw a box across the whole page
Draw a box around all the text and graphics
When all the buttons show, press delete key
This is the Help section for grouping and ungrouping objects on your page. Sometimes necessary to disconnect unwanted connected objects.
There will probably be invisible spaces and rows that you have to highlight and delete. When everything is deleted you might not still be able to delete the last page that is blank. Here’s what works for me: Go to View menu and select> Normal page breaks< Click on the page break line so its highlighted-and delete Keep trying and it will work eventually- when you can delete all the funky spaces that MS Word creates After that- if the last page or pages are still there- call Bill Gates. (but send in your assignment as is). :-)